A Qabalistic and Egyptian Analysis of the Formula of Creation
As found in Genesis 1-4
'V I AMR,' or 'Becoming Manifest Transformation,' is the numeric-based translation of the the first four chapters of Genesis taken letter-by-letter. Moses employs the motif of the seed-bearing plant, or the H'ShMIM, which has, within it, all the elements necessary for the expression of the growth of reality out of potential, and the directive 'Force of Will.'
It describes the very simple, yet powerful, process of the active use of reception which initiates the 'Primum Mobil,' or 'First Movement.'
In these 4 chapters, the 'Tree of Life' is defined 3 times via the use of the phrase 'V I AMR,' which define the Sephiroth. There is an analysis of the Sephiroth revealed in this manner in the commentary, as well as an analysis of the letters and the way Moses used them. Also in the commentary is a comparative analysis of Moses' text and the Egyptian Creation Myth, which describes the way reality works. The engine that runs reality is perception and the duality of the seer and the seen. This duality is a reflection of the 'Not' and the 'Is,' in that the True Self (the Seer) is at home in the Not and perception creates the Is.
Copyright: Dianna Padgett, 2006
ISBN 978-0-8059-9104-8
Excerpts from 'Becoming Manifest Transformation' Contents Translation Qabalah Egyptian Tree of Enoch
Main Page |:| |:| Tarot |:| Gematria |:| Astrology |:| Becoming Manifest Transformation: A New Translation of Genesis |:| Sumerian Creation Myth |:| The Thunder, Perfect Mind |:| Dance of Jesus |:| Astrological Books |:| Aleister Crowley |:| Dion Fortune |:| Sacred Geometry |:| Isis Books and Gifts, Denver, CO |:| OVE VON SPAETH's intriguing books on the historical Moses |:| Alchemy Lab's Table of Alchemy Correspondences |:| The Banners |:| The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) |:| Circulation of Light |:| The Elements |:| The Paths |:| Hebraic Letters |:| Tree of Life |:| An Ancient Riddle |:| Fifty Gates of Binah |:| Resh - The Sun Card |:| Tau - The Universe Card |:| Thoughts on the Tetragrammaton |:| Deities |:| Sepheroth