The Ward Room

On one of His Majesty's Ships of War, the Ward Room was the gathering place for the lieutenants and senior warrant officers. They spent their leisure time there, ate there, wrote letters to loved ones at home. Here, then, is the leisure spot of this particular vessel, where all the really fun stuff lives. Enjoy!

A P Heads Exclusive!

The descendant of Admiral Sir Frederick and Lady Wentworth made a remarkable discovery while going through some old books in the library of their country estate, Oaklands. Carefully placed in an old copy of "The Lady of the Lake" was The Letter written by then-Captain Wentworth to then-Miss Anne Elliot. Mr. Wentworth tells us that the letter is in a remarkable state of preservation and that the scent of rosewater still clings to it lightly. We have obtained a digital picture of the letter (it cannot be scanned, as it is quite delicate and the light would deteriorate it) for the enjoyment of all P'heads and P-heads!

Mr. Wentworth was also kind enough to send us a digital picture of the wedding invitation of his great-great-great-great-great grandparents, which is on display at Oaklands.

(BTW, for those who have asked, Mr. Wentworth is single, around forty, tall, dark, quite a looker, drives a Jag, practices t'ai chi, runs the family estate, breeds greyhounds, and likes hunting, fishing, sailing, football, Monty Python movies, Patrick O'Brian novels, and American women.)

A P2 Photo Gallery, featuring pictures from That Scene In Molland's!

The P Head Treatment

Give 'em the P Head Treatment! We'll line 'em up, and you shoot 'em down!

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