The Lady Behind


Frances Kathleen Torres Lo


University of Santo Tomas, graduated March 2000

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management


People may remember me in different ways: to my teachers, I was the potential who stubbornly remained a potential; to my family, a daddy's girl; to my friends, a spoiled, rich kid; and to my loves, I was as they were to me — a shaft of sunshine, a bit of rain, a pat of soft earth — we tended to each other's growth for a little while.




Eulogy for a time well spent.


I'm a 21-year old lady with dark-colored hair, sparkles and funny clothes, who feels lonely sometimes.

I do not ask to be understood because I can't even understand myself.

I ask to be accepted.

I ask to be accepted as I am.

I do not want to be told what potential I have, or what my future holds.

I do not want to be told that I'm going nowhere in life because I skipped a job to be done.

I question my existence, my meaning.

I question what the "Real World" is, and why I'm not there.

I feel happy with no shoes on.

I feel lonesome in a crowded room.

Sometimes my heart bleeds and I cry.

Laughter echoes in my mind.

I am told to be different,

To be myself.

But then I am told what to wear and how to act.

I like to write and rumors hurt.

I don't know how to dance, but I try to anyway.

Please don't try to understand me, nor judge me too quickly.

My name doesn't matter,

My heart is open.




[HoMe] [CiRCLe oF FRieNDS] [MY WRiTiNGS] [LiFe oF a PRoFeSSioNaL BuM] [eNDLeSS YaKiTY]