So, okay, my siblings and I went to Canada last July 31 and came back here 25th of August. We were invited by my daddy's best friend, Auntie Rosa, & her husband (Uncle Elli), to attend their Silver Wedding Anniversary (woohoo!!! way to go!).


There were so many pictures taken - a handful of candid ones, some were totally ghetto, others will make you go 'awwww', and then the ones that'll make you say 'whoa!!!' - I wish I can show 'em all to you guys but my computer (& scanner) will give up on me if I do that so I just chose the pictures that I believe will show y`all the super duper mega wonderful fab time we had when we were there.


And, just for everyone's information, we're not really related by blood with Rozie & Mike - we kinda tell people that we're cousins just to make it easier. Daddy and Auntie Rosa have been the best of friends since they started high school and daddy's the only family my Auntie Rosa claims she has here in the Philippines... Rozie & Mike are Auntie Rosa & Uncle Elli's kids so... get it?!?


We were pretty much on our feet when we were there... Rozie & Mike are the best hosts!!! Mike's the best cook (can't believe he cooks better than me! & he's not into Culinary, aight?!? AUGH!) & Rozie's the most considerate person I've met (sorry I burned your phone line hee hee). Their friends are wonderful people and Uncle Elli's family are all superb. I totally fell in love with everyone there because they were all great... *sniff* I miss Uncle Mario & Uncle Rudy & Uncle Roland & Uncle Dave & the alcohol... they sure found a bartender when they had me there!!!!! That was fun, though. Wicked.


Here's what we did when we were there:


July 31 - arrived in Canada

August 01 - went to West Edmonton Mall (what a MALL!!!!!)... drank, for the VERY first time, Bubble Tea (a.k.a. Pearl Shake)... played pool

               02 - went to the Legislature

               03 - went to Whitecourt, AB

               04 - Silver Wedding Anniversary party

               05 - post-party... more booze!

               06 - went back to Edmonton, AB... went to this Heritage thingie... hmm...

               07 - watched 2 flicks in a row - "Shrek" & "Rush Hour 2"

               08 - dinner at Uncle Mario's house

               09 - left for BC (road trip!!!)

August 10-12 - toured Victoria, BC (The Miniature World, The Wax Museum, The Butchart Garden, & The Underground Sea Garden)

               13 - met up with Jeff & Richmond in Richmond, BC

               14 - met Luke's mom (Ms. Wilson)

               15 - went to Lake Louise & Banff

               16 - went to the dinosaur museum in Drumheller, AB... arrived back in Edmonton, AB

August 17-19 - went camping in Sylvan Lake (woohoo!!!!), watched "Bridget Jones' Diary" when we got back to Edmonton

               20 - bowling at "Red's"

               21 - watched "American Pie 2"... went to Yuk Yuk's

               22 - watched "Moulin Rouge"... Ladies' Night at Burry T's... clubbing at The Drink... so f*ckin' hammered!!!

               23 - last minute shopping & picture takings... flew back to Manila


OK, enough yakity & on with the pictures!!!!!




[HoMe] [THe LaDY BeHiND] [CiRCLe oF FRieNDS] [MY WRiTiNGS] [LiFe oF a PRoFeSSioNaL BuM] [eNDLeSS YaKiTY]