THE NINE MODELS a must, absolutely to see, models and photos MODELS.COM NEW YORK WEB from the magic lights of New York a fashion website for models, photographers, culture MELROSE REGISTRY professional models and talents registry, elegant, tasteful presentation MODAITALIA.NET the best italian designers and much more, all about the fashion world PHOTOIMAGINATION data bank of photographers from all over the world E-MODEL.NET all you need in model portfolios, agencies and photographers PHOTOGENIK models and photographers from Belgium, France, Europe 4UMODELING a source to modeling career, modeling seach engine, portfolios LUAN BY LUCIA HAUTE COUTRE website of the Ungarian fashion designer LE GUIDE DE LA PHOTO photographs, modeles, expos, forums VISUEL IMAGE.COM galerie, librairie, collection PROFOTOS professionals photographer's list, bookstore, culture in world photography PARIS FASHION SHOW annuaire de la mode DART FINE-ART art database: a network for the on-line arts