One fine day while mingling through time

I came upon a Friend

Who I found to be in gloom

She says, "Someone say something nice to me"

And I say to her:



To the east the day anews

For all there is to see, for all there is to be

That one finds what is right for them

Nothing is more special than sharing time

With your Love, watching the sun bring dark to light

The fresh smell of a new day, brings the spirit to life

The sun's rays dance though the gentle blown leaves

Making the spears of grass, the petals of flowers come to life

The song of birds, you do hear

The bubbly brook nearby

You walk hand in hand along the meadow trail

Taking in all the grander that nature doth display

As the deer frolic along,

Only stopping for water at the bubbly brook

The majestic eagle, soars aloft in his domain, the blue skies

Along the trail the wild rose grows, the beauty of the meadow

Whose petals spread sweet aroma in the air

But not as beautiful or not as sweet as, "You"

The pines so tall offer shade from the heat of day

You stop, take refuge among the graceful pines

Spread the blanket;

Share a picnic lunch packed just specially for two

The two who share as one, for now,

And all their dreams of tomorrow

And as the sun sets towards the west

They lay upon the blanket held in each other's embrace

Watching the light turn to dark

As the moon makes shadows across the meadow

As the stars fill the night with twinkles of light

The two wish upon a star that the night never ends

Copyright (c) Baby Blues (1997)

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