I Search The Unknown

The car is full, the open road ahead
The road not smooth,
As I journey outward
To find all, to find one
But most of all to find myself
The unknown will be my compass
The beauty of all will be my comfort
I travel to and fro
Not knowing where I go
Not knowing where I have been
Will pass the time of day, with any who share an ear
Will share a cup of tea, under the graceful elm tree
As clouds of fluffy white pass overheard
Will learn from what is said, of all the toils of life
And of all what is unsaid, but there, never being said
Will grow a little more
To share with all who care to listen
As the road opens again before
I am searching once more far and wide
For around the next corner may be the place, I want to be
May hang the sign, "Home Sweet Home"
And rest my dreary soul


Copyright © Baby Blues (1997)


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