May you have a nice peaceful Boxing Day...

Time to relax and visit friends...

Time to recover from all the pre-Christmas panic...

Time to enjoy and play with all your new toys and gadgets...

Time to start in on those leftovers...

Time to attack those Boxing Day Sales...

Time to make those New Year's Resolutions...

Time to start reading that really good book you got for Christmas...

and last but not least...

Time to wonder what the hell Boxing Day is and where it came from...

Added Bonus Attraction:

For all of you who wonder about Boxing Day...

Here are two of the only explanations I could find out about it from online...

Boxing Day, celebrated in the UK and Commonwealth countries,
is the day after Christmas Day. Its name derives from the traditional
practice of distributing gifts from boxes placed in churches
for the benefit of the poor (i.e poor boxes).  Apprentices also
took around a box to collect gifts from their masters'
customers. From this tradition, gifts are still sometimes given
to tradespeople, postal workers, etc.
(Source: The Cambridge Encyclopedia, 1990 ed., p. 167)

Unlike the suggestions of some, Boxing Day, December 26
is not a day when Canadians get together to punch each other out.
Boxing Day was originally a day for rich British Families to give
gifts to their servants. These gifts were given in, you guessed it,
boxes.  It  was a day to give presents to those les fortunate.
Today Boxing Day is reknowned for the great sales that take
place. A boxing Day or Boxing week sale just sounds better
than a "Day after Christmas Sale". It's also a good excuse
to have a holiday. Boxing Day is celebrated in Great Britain,
Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth nations.

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