my name is Connie and i am a 33 year old s/w/f.i am 4'11" tall (or short hehe depends on how u look at it) and have long blondish red hair and bluegray eyes. i live in Ohio but was born and raised in Louisiana. i have lived in Ohio for over 13 years now but still visit family in Louisiana as often as i can. i love to travel and wish that i could do it more often! i try to go visit friends in Pa as often as i can. i love most animals. i also like making new friends and e-mailing them. i have one cat named Heidi. i have also taking a great liking to Tweety. cant help it hes just too cute

Things I Like To Do

like i have already mentioned i love to travel. i think that a great vacation would be a bunch of friends getting together for a weekend or taking a trip together. in the summer i love to go to the beach and just hang out getting a tan and swimming. i also like just sitting outside at night and looking at the stars. i love just hanging out with friends and talking or just sitting there doing nothing...just relaxing. in case u havent noticed my favorite season is summer hehe. As of March 1999 i am learning how to rollerblade and im really enjoying it so far.

Some of My Favorites

well as far as movies go i like a lot of them but my favorites are i guess animated movies. i also like sci-fi and horor. i like different kinds of movies and even like romance movies. i guess my favorite movie right now would be Titanic and Pratical Magic and Deep Blue Sea and The Green Mile. but things are always changing so i will keep u informed.

now for my favorite music....well my first love would be country music. my friends are introducing me to other kinds so never know i might end up listening to different kinds when i'm all alone and not just when i am with friends.

now for foods.....well i love cajuan foods and southeren foods (after all i was raised down south) but i am willing to try different foods before i decide if i like or dislike them. BUT i HATE liver so dont even try it LOL.

as far as books go i like Stephen King and others like that and i also like to read romance. guess im just another hopeless romantic.

Things I Look For In Other People

well i look for a since of humor in a person. this is a big plus since i love to joke around. people who have compation for others and animals. i am an opened minded person so i also look for people with open minds. i like people who are not afraid to say whats on their minds. i would like to travel with my friends so i like people who like to travel also.

Things I Dont Like

i hate it when people dont use common since. for example... taking a child to the beach and not keeping an eye on them and then wonder why they come up missing or worse. another thing i hate is when people dont have compation for others. i also hate it when people nag me about my smoking. guess it would be only right to tell u that i hate snakes hehe well lets just say that i respect them tramendously and give them all the space they need and expect them to do the same for me LOL

Favorite Sayings
Bite ME! ;-)

Whatever it is i didnt do it!!!!

Smiles are free so why not just give them away?!?

Needs more research LOL ; - )

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