Lorraine Valdez  

Quality or Quantity

As for gifts, I like lots. Not just one.

What is your favorite Color?

this one, this one, this one

What kind of Music/Artist do you listen to?

98.1FM and 102.9FM stuff. I only listen to music while in the car. I don't buy cds and i don't own a ipod. i know... i'm probably the only one in the world without one. I'll get one.... one day.

What is your favorite Food/Restaurant?

Right now, I love Shabu Shabu. I also like Thai, Indian, Korean BBQ, Churches chicken and cheeseburgers with fries. I dont have any particular favortite restaurants

Do you play Video Games? If yes, is there any game you want?

Not anymore. I played out Guitar Hero

Do you like Sports? If yes, what kind and what teams?

This time of the year, I watch football and basketball. Go Raiders, Niners and Warriors! I really want to go to an NFL game or CAL game (too bad the season's ending). Oh.. a Sharks game would fun to go to.

What and when was the last Book you read?

Now reading a ton of exam books. Sucks! Currently slowly reading Wine for Dummies. This past year I've read The Art of War for Women by chin-ning chu and Men are from Mars Women are from Venus. I don't have time for recreational reading.

When an what was the last Movie you saw?

In theatre, me and Cathy watched Role Models. Last night I watch City of God on DVD. i do Netflix so dont buy me DVDs. i'm the type of girl that likes going to shows like plays, ballets, musicals, comedy shows, free "at the park" concerts and museums (no opera or symphony). Haven't gone lately though. i would like to see whats out nowadays.

Where do you go Shopping?

I dont really go shopping. No $. but if i need a new outfit i go to Forever, Macys, Bloom at Tanforan, Nordstrom, H&M, Marshalls, and SF downtown Ross.

What did you wear yesterday?

Scrubs to work. College football hoodie with jeans and my old sneakers to the library. I enjoy wearing stretchy pants, or jogging pants (not windbreaker). I probably need some new ones.

Shirt/Jacket size?

depends. small/mediuim. Daly City is cold. i need a new jacket

Shoe size?

5 women and 31/2 kids
i've been wearing the same 2 sneakers for 2 years now (I'm like the poor kid in elementary school). now... im embarrassed. i dont like spending much on shoes, just as long as their PLAIN, comfortable and cute. I dont do well with flats and have plenty of open toed shoes. i'm picky about boots so dont think about it. Like i said, I don't have good pair sneakers.

Hat size?

i like hats. i dont wear baseball fitted hats tho. girly hats that are one size fits all works.

Do you like Accessories/Jewelry? If yes, what kind? (eg. hats, scarves, purse, watch)

i like wearing the fake beaded, sparkly, gemmed jewelry for special occasions. everyday wear is the real stuff. idont do scarves. just got a watch. dont know how to buy purses. i suck at it! i'm never satisfied. HELP! oh, i get made fun of my man wallet alot. yeah, it fits in my back pocket and i like it because i hate wearing purses. i need to fem up and get a cute purse. its gotta be a really good quality and nice or i have to have muliple inexpensive cute ones. i dont know!!!

Are you in a Relationship?

yes...he's nice

What do you do on your Spare Time?

I'm beach bum and spend hot days on the beach. i have all beach equipment expect for the broken beach umbrella that barely stands up anymore. Where do you get one?
I like cooking and baking. My kitchen is small and i dont need any more kitchen stuff.
Usually have girls night out.
Me and tai like going to Bev mo to look at wine. We're trying to learn the art of wine.

What did you do last Friday, Saturday and Sunday?

Friday went to cousins house and girl talked while having cocktails
Saturday- laid in bed all day and then SF Broadway :)
Sunday- Lucky chances for Tapsilog breakfast (the best), church, watched football and had shabu shabu for a dinner celebration.

i would buy myself....

wax warmer with all of its equipment
mink blanket (the one i have is only mink on one side, the other side is itchy)
Tickets to a basketbal game
Warriors jacket
gold chain bracelet
a live plant for my room
get my car window fixed
wine tour
a new salt water fish or reef plants for aquarium in my room
lip glosses
hair rollers or a new curling iron
electric toothbrush
teeth whitener

really, it's not hard shopping for me (just make sure you attach the gift reciept for size exchanges or "i already have it" exchange). i hate shopping for myself because i end up regreting spending the money or i never get satisfied. YOu know, when you buy something and a few weeks later find it on sale or find something better. that sucks. if i get a gift, i always love it. i love free stuff! I like the thought that YOU put the effort in personalizing a present for ME. I cherish those items the most.