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This gallery features the work of John W. Waterhouse, born in Rome in April 1849.  I invite you to come in and experience the beauty and tranquility of his art.  His style is a unique blend of medieval and classical Renaissance, full of vibrant colors and sensation.  To add to your enjoyment, I have enhanced each selection with the Lake and have chosen the soothing sounds of (mostly) Enya to accompany you on your trip through the gallery.  I hope this will be a pleasant experience for you:)

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Ariadne Enchanted Garden Mariamne Pandora
Circe Fair Rosamund The Mermaid Pysche
Danaides Hylas & Nymphs A Naiad The Shrine
Decameron Lady of Shalott I Nero St. Cecilia
Echo & Narcissus Lady of Shalott II Orpheus Wildflowers

You are visitor since November 1, 1998


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Many thanks to the brilliant David Griffiths, Fabio Ciucci and Modern Minds for creating the wonderful Java that I have used in this site and a special thanks to Mark Kozac for the beautiful mousetrails script :)