The Rogers Family

Here is my entire family...Terry, Amy, Kathy, Steve, and ME!!! I am the youngest so I get picked on the know. :) I love my family. February 2002, my father passed away. We miss him very much, but we know he is watching over all of us. We are very close to each other.

This is my Grandma Rogers. When I went to college, she supported me. She has such a caring heart and believes in me. I am blessed to have a grandmother like her. I hope I'm just like her when I grow up.

Here is Grandma and I at my senior recital. Having her there just made it extra special.

Here is Grandma and Grandpa Scott. Grandpa Scott passed away April 2001. Both of them have always been there for me. They came to as many concerts as they could make. I appreciated it more then they will ever know. It meant so much to me to have them there.

This is a picture of my family, July of 2000. Steve, Granpa Scott, Uncle John, Granma Scott, Mom, Kathy and me.

This is my sister and her husband, Alan Caulkins. They were married July 7th, 2001.

This is my brother and his wife, Jill. They were married July 26, 2003.

Here is my sweet and loving husband...Andy Tincknell. We started dating during the Vegas trip on July 6th, 2000. My sister had a little scheme going to try to set us up, but really she didn't have to do much. :) He is such a wonderful guy and a gentleman. We are perfect for each other. I am so happy I finally found him.

Here is Andy and I after an opera performance I was in called Gianni Schicci, January of 2001.

Last but not least, we have Ebony, our fat cat. Isn't she a cutey. =)

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