Angel of Lust

Each night as I lay silently in my slumber an angel of lust creeps into my dreams.
Her radiant hair of gold falls down in waves around her face and her eyes shimmer as blue as a spring sky.
Her lips as red as a sun kissed strawberry make her pale skin glow as bright as the flame of an evening fire.

She whispers words of passion to me with such intensity and desire that I start to wonder if I am in lovers heaven.
Her body is unlike no others it is perfect in every aspect.
Her white wings fall gracefully behind her like the white foam of a waterfall tumbling down a cliff.

I reach up and touch her face and then embrace her in my arms.
Laying in the darkness with her scent all around me I gently kiss her lips.
I am overcome with lust for her as she begins to touch my inner soul.
We start to make love it is unlike anything I have ever experienced before.
So tender is her touch so soft are her moans that I am overcome with happiness.
We move together with such perfection that we  flow like a river into the ocean.

Hours pass as I look at her in the moonlight.
She gets up and gently kisses me on the lips and smiles as she brings her wings up and flies out my window into the night.
I awake with the scent of her lingering in my room.
Was it all just a dream or was my angel of lust with me last night.
This is by far one of my fav poems I have ever written hence the reason it is the name of my site and also my yahoo name.  I hope you enjoy all my poetry some are romantic some are not.   Most are based off of life experinces others are purely fictonal.  :)
                                                 Missing You
Crying softly in the morning light wishing for another night.   Wanting to feel you near me again wanting to hear you say those words again.   Craving to feel your touch.  Longing to hear your voice.   Wishing you hadn’t gone away.  Wishing I would of asked you to stay.  Why does it have to end this way.   

The things I never said echo in my head.  The words just wouldn’t come to me. I didn’t know how to show you the love I had for you.  Now I am alone and mad.  I was so foolish for letting you walk out the door on me.  I didn’t realize I needed you to stay.  Now I am the one that has to pay with this heartache. 

I miss you now more each second.  I wonder if you hate me.  I tell myself you still think of me.   I know I am probably lying to myself but that’s all I have left to live on.  I want you to hold me.  I want you to kiss me.  I want you to miss me.  

I know it’s futile and you won’t be coming back but I can dream.  I should have showed you how much you meant to me instead of pushing you away from me.