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How did the club start?
Who are our members?
What does the club do?
Who runs the club?
Who do I get in Touch with someone?
How do I find out what's happening?
Are children allowed to attend events
How much does it cost?
Where do the membership fees and Event Fees go?
Do I have to be a member to attend events?
How many people attend events?
Do have to call and tell anyone before I come to an event?
What is a "show'n'go" event?
Should I call the event contact or the club line to reserve for an event?
Will I get a call back or other confirmation of my RSVP?
What happens if there is limited space for an event?
What happens if I reserve for an event and then find I can not attend?
What happens if there is inclement weather the day of an event?
Is there anything else I should keep in mind?

How did the club start?

Singles in the Suburbs was founded in June 1996 to provide people in their 20's and 30's opportunities to meet others in a casual, low-pressure environment. The club has grown tremendously since that time, with the help of many volunteers. In January of 1997, the club became incorporated as a non profit organization in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In December of 1997, we were informed by the Internal Revenue Service that we were accepted as a tax-exempt organization.

Who are our members?

They are single men and women, who live mainly north and west of Boston, although we have members from as far away as Cape Cod and Rhode Island. There are many reasons why people have joined our club - these include wanting to meet new people and socializing with a group.

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What does the club do?

The club sponsors many activities each month. These range from attending restaurants to participating in outdoor activities to seeing plays. By providing such a broad range, the club gives people many opportunities to meet, and get to know, others who may have similar interests.

Who runs the club?

Everyone is a volunteer. The club does not have any paid employees. The club has 3 officers and 9 directors to oversee its operations. They are elected by the club's members at the Annual Meeting. They are by no means the whole story however - there are dozens more people who commit their time and energy to making the club work! Many volunteer by organizing events or work on one of several informal behind-the-scenes groups that help run the club. We have small groups that handle the newsletter, publicity, technology (computer issues), and legal issues. These groups meet on an as-needed basis when work needs to be done.

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How do I get in touch with someone?

The club has an answering service that is available 24 hours a day. This is checked frequently. Please feel free to leave a message at (781) 721-4220 and you will get a call back, though we may need a day or two to get back to you. As people work, it is best to provide us with a number where you can be reached in the evening.

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How do I find out what's happening?

By far the best way is to join the club - then you'll receive the club newsletter. The newsletter has all the information you'll need to attend upcoming events. This website provides some information, but is intended only as an introduction - the newsletter has the juicy stuff!

Are children allowed at events?

Children are invited to events at the discretion of the event planner. Please check the newsletter for details on whether children are invited.

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How much does it cost?

As a non-profit organization, we try to keep costs as low as possible. The club collects money two ways:

  • Through "Event Fees" - An Event Fee is a small charge that the club charges each participant that attends an event. The vast majority of Singles in the Suburbs Event Fees are low - around $3.00 for members and around $5.00 for non-members.
  • Through Membership Dues - Membership dues account for a large portion of the club's budget. Singles in the Suburbs Membership Dues are also modestly priced at $25.00 for a six month membership and $35.00 for a 12 month membership (subject to change). Because they've made a financial committment to the club, members receive a discount on Event Fees.

Where do the membership dues and Event Fees go?

As we mentioned above, we try to keep costs as low as possible. Your dues and fees help pay for the costs of producing and distributing newsletters and publicity flyers, as well as to pay for minimal overhead costs of operating a club and attracting new members.

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Do I have to be a member to attend events?

Guests are welcome at most club events (Any non-member who is in good standing with the club is considered a "guest of the board"). If an event is for members only, it will be stated in the newsletter (or here on the web page). Guests will pay a slightly higher event fee to help defray costs.

How many people attend events?

Attendance varies from event to event. We have had as many as 80 people at an event, but on average about 15 people attend each event.

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Do I have to call and tell anyone before I come to an event?

RSVPing for an event is only necessary if the event's listing has an RSVP deadline. For events that require payment in advance, your check acts as your RSVP. If an event is not in either of these categories, then's it's almost always a "show'n'go" event (see next item).

What is a "show'n'go" event?

Show'n'go events are those for which we don't need any advance notice that you're coming (i.e.- you can just show up). Occasionally, you'll see an event that's a show'n'go but that has a request that people RSVP. Event organizers sometimes do this to get a rough idea of how many people are interested. If you know in advance, and are able to RSVP, its much appreciated - but you're more than welcome to just show up!

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Should I call the event contact or the club line to reserve for an event?

The newsletter states who to call to reserve for an event. Ninety-nine percent of the time we request that you call the club phone line ((781) 721-4220) to place your reservation. A "contact" phone number is listed in case you have questions about an event. The contact person generally does not take reservations. Since contact information is not published on this site, if you have a question about an event you can call the club line and leave a message.

Will I get a call back or other confirmation of my RSVP?

If you are asked to RSVP to the club phone line for an event, we do not send out notices or call back to confirm your reservation. You have been reserved unless you are contacted otherwise. If you want someone to call you back, please leave a message. The one exeption is if the event listing says that we will mail you something (directions, usually). If this is the case, look in your mail just before the event.

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What happens if there is limited space for an event?

Spaces are filled on a first come, first reserved basis. If pre-payment is required, we need to receive your check to reserve your space. If payment is not required up front, it is best to leave a message on the club line as soon as possible. If an event is over-booked, you will be notified and your name will be placed on a waiting list, unless you tell us otherwise.

What happens if I reserve for an event and then find I can not attend?

If you reserved for an event and then find that you can not attend, we ask that you call the club line ((781) 721-4220) and let us know. If we have a waiting list for an event, we may be able toallow someone else attend.

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What happens if there is inclement weather the day of an event?

The newsletter will state whether an event is rain or shine. If you have any doubts, please call the club line ((781) 721-4220) on the day of the event to find out if it has been cancelled or postponed. We try to post such information at least four hours before the event would have started.

Is there anything else I should keep in mind?
  • Out of courtesy for event planners and participants, please be on time for events. Most, but not all, organizers allow ten minutes from the stated meeting time to make introductions and to get organized.
  • Always sign the sign-in sheet, we use this to track the popularity of events.
  • Even though we carpool to many events, you are under no obligation to drive anyone other than yourself, or join anyone else in a carpool. If you want to meet us at the carpool site, pick up the directions, and drive yourself - that's more than O.K.
  • We will gladly send one complimentary newsletter to non-members, so that they may try attending events before deciding on membership.

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Singles in the Suburbs is not responsible for typographical errors.
This page was last updated on February 2, 2002
by Mr. Oom