Poems From A Friend

Just Be Yourself

Just be yourself.
Don't listen to lies.
Let it all out.
Let out your cries.
The insults are there.
"You're ugly" "You're fat"
You may feel down about your looks.
You're not a model or a picture in a book.
But everyone's beautiful in their own special way.
Be sure to repeat this every single day!

Underneath My Exterior

Underneath my exterior,
underneath my clothes,
underneath my words,
a special person grows.
I may not be beautiful,
My clothes may not be the best,
My words may not always be kind,
But i am as good as the rest.
If you look, underneath it all,
you will know it is true.
You will see the beauty inside and understand me too.

Friendship Is A Precious Gift

Friendship is a precious gift,
that cannot be bought or sold.
But its value is far greater than a mountain of gold.
For gold is cold and lifeless,
it can neither see nor hear,
and in the time of trouble,
it is powerless to cheer.
It has no ears to listen,
no heart to understand.
It cannot bring you comfort or reach out a helping hand.
So when you ask God for a gift,
be thankful if he sends,
not diamonds,pearls, or riches,
But the love of real true friend


Yesterday's tomorrow may seem so far away
only tomorrow' dreams give me cause for another day.
Moments of my life have been filled with memories.
So I look back and wonder that you might still care,
nothing would be worth much,this i plainly see,
without you being there - waiting for me!

Cheer up

Cheer up-cheer up ane dont be blue
the best is sure to come to you.
The darkest hour is before the dawn,
but brights the day when it is gone!
Tis said that each dog has his day
so surely good is on it's way.
Tho you are down your wont be long,
if you can smile and sing a song.
So cheer up friend and dont be glum
the best for you is sure to come;
and when the darkest hour is gone,
you'll see the glory of the dawn.