freax super secre† skankin' shou†ou†s!

i'd like †a †hank God for:

JESUS (4 bein my best friend)

JASON (4 listenin' when almost no one did)

†iM (4 blowin' slug guts all over me when i came over)

†iA (you are the sweetest girl in the world)

LUPE (4 †oughin i† †hrough school)

Mi†CH (4 likin' CCM and bein my first kewl friend)

KiMMY (4 bein my bes† cyber-pal)

COUR†ENAY (you wanna name them WHA†?)

JENNY MiLLS (4 keepin all us chapelholix †oge†her)

God couldn'†a given me be††er friendz.
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