Elizabeth's Realm

Break out of someone elses frames here.

Welcome! This site is a labor of love. We create web sites and share our lives while making new friends worldwide. I am truly happy you found you way into my realm. Exploring the internet should be fun. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. Come back and visit again. You are always welcome.

I see before me fathomless depths
and far flung distances - vastness beyond vast,
I see names of places, trancendental spaces,
stranges faces.
I see routes across the earth,
well tracked routes of famous men,
men saying "Come, I have been here,
the way is not safe,
but Death stalks surely where you now reside -
and boredom - Death's brother.

Please come in.

Elizabeth's Guardian Angel from her 1998 LOTH Dream Catcher

Just a small favor to ask. Please sign one of my guestbooks before you leave so I'll know you've been here and I can return the favor. Thank you.

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a webring other than Ladies of the Heart, please enter here.
Thanks for visiting.


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Unless otherwise stated, music on this website is provided by:
Bruce DeBoer

Poem courtesy:
Sailing The Farm
Ken Newmeyer

people have visited my realm and joined the cruise.

This document last updated on Friday,
June 12, 1998.

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