Finally, your planet queen has gotten off her lazy butt and fixed her Guestbook! If you want to Stamp the Planet (and rock the kasbah) I suggest doing it now before the whole darn thing crashes again. (Yay Geocities!) N.B. If you want to see the old guestbook, go to the Guestbook of the Damned by typing - old-gbook.html - up on the location line, after my address.

Never you mind - 10/21/00 19:56:59
My URL:you know where it is...
My Email:none of your business
Where are you from?: a better place than you
What you liked/disliked about the planet: its all crap
A Random thought, please: up yours
Favourite season of the year: why ?
Your favourite country?: this one
Finally, how many things are in a passle?: get a life
don't steal, it will come back to haunt you...

Cheryl Amanda Gullage - 03/26/00 15:01:43
Where are you from?: Paradise, Newfoundland
What you liked/disliked about the planet: Sunsets and Stargazing on clear nights... it makes it all so beautiful
A Random thought, please: I'm surprised Cheese Doodles are not a food group... they should be.
Favourite season of the year: Spring and Summer
Your favourite country?: CANADA!!!! Cause I live here and Jamaica cause it accepts and loves larger women....
Finally, how many things are in a passle?: First off, it's "passel" and there is not set number for one... it just mean a large quantity or group....
Hey man.... errr. .. woman. I work with Jane and she said you would be very much impressed if I signed your guestbook, so that is what I am doing. Consider it signed *smiles* I will be impressed as well if you sign mine too!! See ya, Cheryl:)

Chris - 06/19/99 21:51:07
Where are you from?: one is quite sure about this, but we think earth...
What you liked/disliked about the planet: that I once helped with some of the graphics
A Random thought, please: Life is what you make of it...kinda like Play-Doh
Favourite season of the year: Summer, for multiple reasons... of which I will not mention at this time...
Your favourite country?: Canada,eh...'cause I've been to two, and this is the best of them...
Finally, how many things are in a passle?: 1231546479876465767313464114646467987496497643674316797464673476464346794346764747979746797976434.131764778797797874676764679797743434674949
A person whose heart is not content is like a snake which tries to swallow an elephant (Chinese proverb)

Zoe - 06/09/99 20:54:44
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I downloaded and am using your avatar28 on my Ancientsites home. I am known as Zoetrope Theognis of Athens.

Angela Roquemore - 05/27/99 20:49:09
Where are you from?: Arizona
What you liked/disliked about the planet: huh?
Favourite season of the year: Winter
Your favourite country?: Ireland
Hi. You know me better as Mary of the Iceni @ AS Tara. I just stopped by to pick out some new avatars.

Shue - 05/18/99 18:37:28

Hi! You have a very nice page!
Please, come and visit mine...

Erin! - 05/10/99 02:15:49
Where are you from?: The Pleiades
What you liked/disliked about the planet: I like the reviews! I dislike the Gods!
A Random thought, please: I was walking Paddy (a bull terrier, for those guestbook readers who don't know Karen like I do!) in the park the other day and two kids thought he was a sheep. I'm not joking. He's also been previously mistaken for a kang roo, although sheep is the more popular delusion.
Favourite season of the year: Cumin. Er, I mean, Summer. Oh happy Summer! Whee!
Your favourite country?: Erm, picking a "favorite" country is no mean (grr) feat (I have two), but I suppose this time around I'd choose Ireland, for I'm currently reading a really fascinating book by Martin Dillon (God and the Gun: The Church and rish Terrorism).
Finally, how many things are in a passle?: I have answered this question multiple times and I'm still not sure.
Hooray! Your guestbook is back. Happily, I have been wasting all my time on the Internet yearning for this very moment, when it has been fixed, so I could be the first non-Karen-person to sign it. Really. Have a Hoffy, -- Erin.

Karen, Planet Queen - 05/09/99 14:11:21
Where are you from?: The Rock
What you liked/disliked about the planet: It's my page, so of course, I hated it all!
A Random thought, please: This is a test. Watch for falling bodies.
Favourite season of the year: Spring
Your favourite country?: This one.
Finally, how many things are in a passle?: Jane told me, she said it was "A Good Yod"
If this doesn't work, I'm going to have a fit. Yes, a fit of international proportions.

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