Once in a while...okay, less then a while, more like a month, or a week or so, there comes along a person worthy of, well, drool and respect and innocent obsession. This corner of the planet is dedicated to those worthy earthpeople who make us lose our (already missing) minds.

During this moment, our hearts are beating fast for:

I'm drop-dead gorgeous!

Daniel Casey

--Daniel Casey is a very fit british lad who plays Sgt. Gavin Troy on the British murder series "Midsomer Murders". It shows semi-whenever on the wonderous A&E network. He's a witty, slightly homophobic, restless driver that I just love to bits. And to show how much I really think he's spiffy, he gets TWO other pictures (a seldom awarded award only given to two past gods!)

I'm quite pleased with myself, cause you love me to bits!And.....Half Naked Sgt. TROY! *swoon*

So he's fit and he helps rid the midlands of nasty murdering types. He's bloody wonderful, and I worship at his totty alter. *bow, bow*

Gods of Past Moments

This is a stick up, gimmie your hearts!

Feathers McGraw

--From Wallace and Gromit, our new God of the Moment, Millenium Edition. Nominated by my friend Erin who says: "Feathers McGraw from Wallace and Gromit. Why? He's cunning, he's an outlaw, he's a thief, he's a penguin! Don't descriminate against hunky penguins. Put Feathers on your God o' the Moment pages!" Nuff said?

I just love a man in uniform!

Ioan Gruffudd

--Those of you who spent $50 dollars and up to see titantic a gajillion times would probably still not recognize this hotter than hotty. But yes! He was the one who saved Rose. I should have known! All you leo fans left after he drowned, right? Anyway, this is Ioan, his name is welsh, pronounced Yoann Griffith and he's just about as tasty an officer as you'd ever want to see. Right now you can find him every sunday on A&E, and let me tell you, THAT is what I call Time Well Spent. Bring a bucket, girls, it's drool city! Ioan is a spectacular actor as well, though. He's not all beauty and no brains. I love watching him (for the obvious reasons) and because I know that his career is going to explode like some fit of burning passion. Plus, he's damned good-looking and his jawline is sharp enough to cut glass. Faces that fine were made by NASA, don'tcha know. Just because he's a fine actor and, well, simply fine, he gets two pictures (an honor as yet only credited to one other god)!
I've got the best hair ever! And people think I'm crazy? Crazy like a fox! Yep, you just wait. Ioan Gruffudd will become more that the piece of meat with the strange welsh name, he will become one of the nest decade's finest actors, if Hollywood ever gets their heads out of their butts. Go Ioan!

Thou be-ist a Fiennes God!

Joseph Fiennes

--If you haven't already become a pile of goo just from looking at this picture, you're reading this while rapidly becoming one. Yes, it's Joe, star of Elizabeth and Shakespeare in Love. Had he sat on screen staring at a camera for two hours making pithy jokes and occasionally scratching himself, he would have done it with enough flair and talent to deserve and oscar. Damn that Tom hanks for Saving Matt Damon's Teeth the same year the entire female population gets their hormones riled up by Will Shakespeare in Love with Elizabeth (or something to that effect). Yet Joe is not only a hot ticket to testosterone-town, he's also a damn good actor! Couple looks and talent with an accent that could melt a glacier at fifty paces, and you've got the best reason to watch Gwyneth Paltrow for two hours. Naked Gwyenth? What naked Gwyneth? Yes, folks, Joe Fiennes is a worthy addition to our Pantheon. What light through yonder trousers breaks? We at the God O' the Moment would like to offer Mr. Fiennes a comforting bosom should he be crushed at losing an oscar. However, should he win, we offer many congratulations and a room at the Inn. Keep it up, Joseph, cause you deserve to have the media asking Ralph about YOU.

Make the Rich AND Poor Swoon like mad!

Matthew Porretta

--The inspiration for this god came about three seconds into The New Adventures of Robin Hood, during a shirtless shot of Matt here. (By the way, just take a look at that bow!) But it was a cosmic episode. Not only did Robby-boy bare some nipple, but Montell "I am a daytime king" Williams guest starred. Well, wee hoo. But seriously, Matt is not your average criminal, he's a criminal backed up by whacky losers and bad special effects. He's also proud to be the THIRD Hercules knock-off! Well, Herc got that hair, and Xena can screech, and Sinbad has those weird pants, but take a look at this: is there a breeze? and tell me that you're not aching for saturday morning to roll around again.
But Matthew isn't just a flesh-god. He is the best thing that ever happened to Wings (on which he guest starred), and he is a great actor. You've probably seen Matt in another Robin Roll, he was Will Scarlett in the hopeless funny Men In Tights. Hey, if he wants to dance and sing while wearing underwear, I'm there! Hey Matthew Porretta: You can take aim and fly at me anytime.
P.S. If you want to see another shot of Matthew Hood in full splendour, click here: More Matt MMMM! Damn those frenchmen! I wanted to win!


--Amazing! A god nominated by someone other than my drooly friends! This is Ronaldo, brazilian football (soccer to you uneducates) player, AND the personal god of Jessica Martini, who also nominated Keith VanHorn, by the way. If ever some worthy pictures cross my palm, perhaps mr. VanH will grace this page of testosteronal beauty.
But back to Ronaldo Gutaro, known to all as simply ronaldo. He is the hotty-tot-tot star of the brazilian footie team. Apparantly, without him, Brazil wouldn't have been good enough to have been whipped to pieces by the French. Says one frenchman: "you people make my ass twitch." Okay, so that was from a movie, but what the hell. Ronaldo is a big cutie, and I just might be watching more soccer. Rrrrow!!

Nazis won't get me!

Edward Burns

--Oooh....Ahh....This 30 year old writer, director, and absolutely too sweet for the eyes actor, nomintated by me, and Cathy (well, would be nominated by Cathy had she ever got around to it...) has starred in The Brothers McMullen, She's the One (which I didn't like...I'm so sorry Ed!) and the newly put out by our favourite big name director, Steven Spielberg, Saving Private Ryan. And unlike most of the other people, Ed actually survives. That's because he's too damn good-looking to kill. Matt Damon survived only because the germans were blinded by his teeth. Oh nevermind. Anyway, he's ever-so deserving of our undying obsession. For this moment, anyway.

Ceci loves me

Leon Lai

--Leon, a cup o' eye candy God nomninated by Ceci, is a Chinese Movie Star who is apparantly quite talented. He won the Golden Horse Award, and was nominated twice for the Hong Kong Film Award for his works in various Chinese films. Ceci's reason for nominating him? "He is GOD! he is handson, tall, smart, a good singer, great actor, he has a nice smile and because I have a really, really, really big poster of him..." And where is this poster, ceci? "I am afraid to hang it up because it may fall on me." Well, we here at God O' The Moment, think that death by poster of Leon wouldn't be such a bad way to go.

Brendan 'Stanley Cup O' God' Shanahan

Brendan Shanahan

--Brendan, another Canadian God, from Ontario, plays for the Detroit Red Wings, and while I couldn't be bothered to watch a whole game of hockey, I just have to keep switching back for the...er...score. Shanny, or Shan the Man, or plain old Hockey God to me, also played in the Olympics for Canada, and was tres excellent. He also has a Wheaties commercial which is enough to cause heart palpitations for the entire female population. And he looks SO damn good on the Wheaties box, I've been escorted out of Dominon twice for drooling on the merchendise. Anyway, Brendan here was nominated by ME, and is the new God O' The Moment. Good Luck at the Playoffs, Shanny. ;)

Update! Hey hey! Wasn't I almost about to die when Shanny here got to skate around the ice kissing the Stanley Cup? Yes I was. And he even played with a bad back. He's the man. Shan the Man.

I'm a god, eh

Callum Keith Rennie

--Callum, a Canadian God, ambles into our melting hearts as Stanley Raymond Kowalski on Due South. Playing an American, the capital Callum can't disguise his native accent (oh well). But we love him anyway. He's had a very diverse career, starring in the CBC short series Twitch City, as well as Hard Core Logo. He's also the subject of a Canada wide call to computers by General Cathy Boyde: Vote for Callum as one of People Weekly's Most Beautiful People. There are hardly any canadians on the list. Anyway, Callum was nominated by Cathy, my movie pal, and her reason for nomination was this: "...because any guy with an accent that blatantly Canadian is deserving of our affection." Well put, General Cathy. So this week's God O' The Moment is yours.

Daring David Duchovny

David Duchovny (!)

--This God, who beams into our fast-thumping chest cavities every (EVERY!) week as Fox Mulder, the achingly amourable agent of the FBI, who has had an interesting if not hugely successful flim career, starring in such not-notables as The Rapture (contrary to popular belief he is *not* completely naked in this film) and Kalifornia which I have yet to see. He was nominated by Jane, the ever-faithful companion of Ganesha and myself. Her reason for nominating such a worthy deity? "David is the uber-god, and you should put up the picture so that we can all fantasize. So there." Congrats Jane! Due to *sob* lack of nominations, your god is this moment's God O' The Moment! *hugs*

David O'Hara

David O'Hara

--This god, who starred in The MatchMaker with Janeane Garofalo as Sean Kelly, and Braveheart as Stephen, the crazy irishman (The Almighty says he can get me out of this, but he's pretty sure you're f*cked!), has captured my attention this moment.
Visit a site dedicated to this talented (and groovy looking) man at The David O'Hara Homepage.
It's HERE!

For your entertainment, the wildly (!) popular and tremendously easy Guess That God Game!!


Got a guy you guess is God? (ugh...) Well, here's the place to nominate him. All you have to do is leave your name or handle, and an email address where I can get ahold of you. Then, tell me the guy & why you think he's worthy to be a God O' the Moment. Oh, and be sure you have a picture of him too. You can mail the picture to me HERE.

The Form

Your Name:

Your E-mail:

Your God and Why: