Welcome to Ganesha's Link Emporium

Today Ganesha is glad that Karen is finally updating her page. She also likes Chocolate and will do anything for it.

If you would like to see your link posted here,(don't ask me why, some of you may be that crazy) please E-Mail Ganesha
P.S: These links are in no particular order because today I couldn't care less. If you have a problem with this, I don't particularily care :)

SciFi Sites
-Another virtual community like AncientSites, it is in orbit for those of you addicted to SciFi and Fantasy stuff. Books, Movies, television, the fact that the entire world is a conspiracy run by Jimmy Hoffa and you have an alien in your backyard that rooms with your dog. yeah.

-A truly addictive site, that was helpfully described in 55 words at the Cybersites place. Unfortunately, I'm so lazy, I couldn't cut and paste. Anyway, if you are a history buff, or if you just like pretending, I recommend this site for you.

Jane's Guide
-Er, this is a compilation of, er, stuff involving, er, other stuff. Okay, I'll be mature. It's a concise compendium of sites on the web that have to do with Sex. Either educational or, er, entertainment-wise. WARNING! Smut! If you're a baby, either mentally or physically, this is NOT for VOUS.

Crazy Libs
-Yes folks, it's another 'I'm very very bored, Ganesha, please help me' site. You like ad libs, these are pretty weird.

Enyclopaedia of Mythology
-Lots of great information on every god you can think of from almost any religion.

Confess your Sins
-Be honest and tell the whole world how dirty you've been. Then spend an hour reading about the dysfunction of others. It'll make you feel much better.

-Godzilla sucked, but this is Catzilla and Catzilla rocks my world

Mr. Cranky's Guide To Movies
-It Sucked! And I'm not kidding.

-Hey, if you're addicted to Hollywood, or you just have another sick obsession, find everything you need to know here.

Lighthouse in the Myst
-Lots of good information on the Spiritual and Paganism stuff

The Matrix Oracles
-Can't live your life without a daily dose of the Astrological? This is the place for you.

Slayerette's Buffy FanFiction
-Fiction for the Fans of Buffy

Mulder/Krycek Romantics
-Ever had this sinking feeling that Mulder and Krycek belong together? No? Well have these guys got news for you...

Official Beck Website
-Are you a loser, baby? Well get over it, Beck is too.

The David Duchovny Estrogen Brigade website
-The title sort of speaks for itself.

Hee Yun's Graphic Collection
-A Superb graphics collection site, with lots of other stuff too!

The Internet Movie Database
-Aaaah! I can't live without this site!

The Offical Buffy Site
-Hey, if you're a wannabe Slayerette, or you're one of those weirdos who 'keep' these characters things, then you already know about this site. If you aren't, this site is tops.

Jane Magazine
Jane Magazine's website. This mag is the ultimate source for pithy magazine stuff. If you're too old for Seventeen and you're too smart for Cosmo, Jane is happy happy happy happy!

Yes, you heard me right. Cheese. Do me a favour, and look up Celtic Pride Cheese. You'll be amazed!

The Love/Lust/Loser Note Editor
-For those of us who can't string three words together, this thing does it for you, wether you love him, want to jump his bones, or think he's a total wanker.

Your greatest fantasy
-Don't tell me you don't fantasize, bucko. This is your one stop fantasmo shop. Be naughty, be nice, I really don't care. But fill in the blanks and see what kind of hidden fantasy you really dream of!

Doug Anderson's WebParody
-Ganesha and I enjoy Mister Roger's Neighborhood Watch. We always knew there was something untoward about that man.

Don't waste valuable reading when you could be watching Tv. Read these ultra-condensed versions! (MOstly Sci-Fi/Fantasy) CATHY! Beowulf is here!

Anime Turnpike
-Everthing you ever wanted in an Anime Page, with something about every anime movie, series or manga you've ever seen.

-Since the last comment got me in trouble, I'll shut up.

Erin's Something Witty...
-There is no title. But there is lots of happiness! And many links for you to follow and go mad on. What does this mean? I have no idea. I am mad. In the insane way.

Chalya's Page
-I think somebody should update their page, Chalya. This is a beautiful site.

Kivrin's Page
-It's Cathy, my movie pal! She's just as nutters as I am, and we're so darned proud of it. You like my page? You'll like hers!

The Beginning
-Do you know what this means? Neither do I. For more information on this point, ask Jane

This Page Licks
-Lots of ranting and raving about things you couldn't care less about. Visit the gallery of tongues. It's a trip.

Chris's Page
-Lots of stuff on lots of stuff. This is real good HTML. Why can't I do this?

X-Lander's Fan Fiction Page
-What's an X-Lander? Who knows?

Organization of Humanoids
-Bored? Human? This is the place for you.

Centre for the Easily Amused
-I'm so easily amused, it hurts! I couldn't live without the CEA!

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