These are a few of the people I have come to think dearly of.


My lil sis. Not really my sister, but feels as close to me as a sister.She is one of the sweetest people I know (she's going to kill me for that) and has been a great friend to me. We had the chance to meet R/T and had a great time. We have been through a lot together and will go through much more I'm sure.LOL Well sis, I luv ya!

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Newest of my friends on the net. She is a very caring person, and also a talented poet. I am glad to have met her, and to be able to call her friend. Would love to meet her R/T, we would have a blast. Leave the men at home eh babe? LOL! We truly keep each other smiling, and always seem to have great conversations, everytime. We have so much in common already, and we have just begun to know one another, just imagine what time will tell! Well, babe, you're great! Luv ya! *Hugs* Oh!! And Sue is the one that started WK with the: ´¯`·.¸¸..><((((º>.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>!! LMAO!

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 My guardian angel. But it seems I look out for him more than he does me. hahahaha. We've been great pals on here for.. hmmm... I don't know.. an eternity perhaps. lol. I love ya Az, you're a great friend. Always great fun to be silly with, and great to talk seriously with. You're intelligence and ability to see things differently always amazes me. You have a great gift for fluently expressing your thoughts and feelings. I guess all that education has paid off eh? LOL! Well one day we will get that Gates monster.. just make sure Michael is prepared this time! hahaha. Don't you ever change or else! hahaha ((((HUGS))))
SlyFox (aka: Hoser)

My fellow crazy canuck! She's a great hoser, always keeps me laughing. You're pretty funny eh? LOL! Tells ya like it is, and never hides how she feels. A rare and precious thing on the net. 
I've been talking to her on this thing forever too! Love ya hoser! ((((HUGS))))


 My hilarious friend. He's also a sweet heart... but shhh... don't tell anyone I wouldn't want to ruin his image. LOL. He's a greatly talented, lead singer and bassist to a band called "Lost Nation", they're releasing a cd soon, so go and buy it!! I'm officialy a groupie (hahahahaha)!! Draven is always a great friend to talk to. Caring, understanding, and sympathetic. I wish you platinum in all your endeavors. Don't let the fame change you either! *hugs*
Awwww... such a cute couple!! Sugar'N'Spice and Incognito

Here are two wonderful people. Other than being two of the greatest people I've met on here.... Incognito 2nds as a secret agent.... name "Beer, Root Beer" hahahahaha! (sorry private joke). They are always honest, kind and always offer a friendly hand. Fun and outgoing and always great to talk to. Love ya guys. ((((HUGS))))


 Here is a terrific friend. Always love talking to her, she is also a very sweet and caring friend. knows how to make me laugh too. She's the type of friend everyone needs, she knows how to make a person feel special, great and wonderful. Which is a great talent to have. Not to many ppl can do that, for everyone. All who know her, love her. Don't you ever change girl! We love you!!

Here is a great friend of mine who haunts the halls of pow wow. LOL Another great guy, who knows how to be silly with the best of em (Me) hahaha. Oh and ghost... "DEMONS OUT!" LOL J/K. Another good friend that always keeps me laughing, one time I think we were laughing so hard, neither one of us could type for a good five minutes. And have had philosophical conversations for hours.... stop making me think so much! LMAO! Glad to have met ya ghost, and look forward to being good friends for the years to come. All who know him think he's great too. *Hugs*

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A real life friend. He's a great friend. Got me to download ICQ as the first thing I ever did on the internet. hahahaha.. so thank him. He sent me to all sorts of wacked web sites for my first experience on the net.LOL Go check out so you can see what my first experience was. hahaha We've been through a bit together. He's the only one of my friends from that city that I still talk to... so I can say that he's the only one to see me lose my cool on someone. lol (It was worth it too) He's the first person I met off of the computer... from a lame BBS we both regulated (a meet and greet). But we've been friends since. His sense of humor would put Andrew Dice Clay to shame.. haha. He's the one who also brought me to chatplanet. IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!! aaahahahahaha!! Anyway... no matter what anyone else says about ya.. I think you're great. lol I think you're starting to mellow out in your old age tho.... freak. haha. Don't you ever change! And send me some wine dammit!! *(sheesh... you got the longest write up here... I better get my wine!LOL)

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Crispy Chicken

 Here is the wonderful Crispy Chicken/Jester! Or you might know him as another name. LOL! But still he's a wonderful friend. And I have to tell ya he's got a great accent too! LMAO! He's cracked me up more times than I can count... been there to just listen when I needed it. There is no truer friend on the net than this guy. big hugs to ya! And where the heck are my cookies??? LOL!! -bok bok bok <<'CHOMP'>>> hehe.

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One of my oldest/newest friends on the internet. LOL. A great guy, always a sweetheart, always fun... and a great friend to have *s*. Check out his site... he's got a great voice and talent too! You're a great listener hon... fun to hang with on-line.... and just a swell guy all around. LOL Thanks for keeping me up to date on the great tunes out there too! hehe

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hehe (my nick for her) She is my real time... all time... bestest friend in the world!
We have been through so much together. We've known each other since we were 15yrs old.
(no way.. you don't need to know how old we are now! LOL) Gawd some of the stories we have. LOL. Even tho we don't live close together right now... we're still as close as ever. *s*
Hon.. you're the best... I'll always love ya!! Miss ya too!! (psst I'm getting my liscence finally!! *laughing* 'bout friggin time huh?) There's no one quite like my sofa. We've been through so much... and been there for each other through it all. hehe.. as we used to say in highschool "FRIENDS FOREVER BABE!!!" hahaha

My great friend the wolf. I'm sorry wolfy that you haven't been put up here sooner, you should have been one of the first ones up on this page. Better late than never tho eh? hehe. You've always been a wonderful friend. A great listener and shoulder to lean on.We've had some pretty deep conversations... and it's wonderfully refreshing to have a friend like you, who can disagree with me... and not take it personally. You're one of the great ones hon. Glad to know you and call you friend. 

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Hiya! Rapture (aka Tempeste)

Oh, and this is me. I put up a pic of me, only because ppl were complaining that I didn't put it up. So here I am, a syrup eatin, log rollin, toque wearin, igloo buildin crazy Canadian Eh! LOL!
