The Future of Whatever

The future of life is a land of dress rehearsals
A place where we can play at being ourselves 
A place to practice life and friendships 
Where reality can take a hike or stare us in the eye

The future of sex is a land of fantasy
We come to seek the missing link
To find the limits of where we will go
We find there are none only where we may return

The future of humor is a land of the absurd
Where we dance and prance and rave
We learn to laugh and play and most every day
Where pie fights give lightness to  our hearts

The future of romance is a long distance chance
There are ones we come to love and care
Sweet kisses and tender hugs and love 
Feelings of love with no barriers it's in us all

The future of fear and hate is a sad effect
There is no wonder with all the feelings here
That explosions of envy and jealous hate come too
Vengeful fights about real differences teach us much

The future of reality comes from no fear
There is a paradox in this room 
Lack of reality removes fear and doubt 
And if we stay long enough we find the real reality 

The future of ourselves comes in friendship
When we first come here to talk there is loneliness
To talk and express ourselves we find friends 
Most times we don't even know our need but it is found

The Future has given me all these things and more
The friends I met in virtuality are now real friends
I will treasure forever the love and sharing we share
For all the tears and smiles I found something precious

The future chat is a lost and found place 
I found my heart and lost my fears
I found good friends and know the tears
I found my dream and lost illusion
I found a life I love to live 

© Paul Viel 1999
