Soul Mates by John Toms

Soul Mates


Without the need we talk 
Within the walls we walk 
We yield to loves sweet embrace 
Then live in dreams I can't erase


Soul mates intertwined and one 
Life for us has just begun 
Breathing dreams of soft desire
A touch, a kiss, we are on fire


I am your one I feel out loud 
You answer yes and we are bound
In our hearts we know the truth 
Soul mates now within life's roof


There is a canyon deeply set 
Within a place I can't forget 
Where you and I will live in peace 
With angels sitting at our feet


This place of dreams is walled with stone 
Sheltered from the thunderous storms 
It's treasure rich is not the gold 
But deeply, truly, our meshed souls 


© Paul Viel 2001
