Sweet Witch

Came looking for the sun
Came looking for life
Saw her name and was drawn
And found she was the moon

She is a net for me
She brakes my fall 
"Hi Sunshine" is her card 
She glows inside and shines out

Through harm she held me
In her pain not mine though
I didn't see past my heart
And at her sparkling soul

Her color will not stop
Her life survives all odds
Her spells are engaging 
Her spirit insurmountable 

Willing to live, fighting 
For life she will always beam
And the care she gave me 
I will return to her one day 

And give her my heart and soul
My laughter and my tears 
My mind and my body 
This love is eternal

This sweet heart guides me 
She carries my dreams with her
She paints the colors of the rainbow 
On my lonely heart 

I was empty, she filled me with love 
I was dead she breathed life into me 
She lit a fire to warm me from the chill
She held me in her warm heart 

Somehow we grew together she taught me life
I learned from her words and she learned too
To see the strength in her spirit 
And the beauty of her guiltless heart

There will never be another like her 
No one will even come close to that touch
I had been so lost and she was so hurt 
Yet when we talked I saw something precious

In her eyes I saw every chilling agony 
The anguish of feeling different and devalued
Locked inside I saw her simplicity 
In her words a beautiful child of grace

Our irreverent and often foolish talks
Our revealing and meditative conversations
The sad and angry interchanges, the tender hugs
Gave us a common ground a sacred place 

As I realized that there was no difference
In how she loved me and how I loved her 
There was an unspoken bond and barrier
That would keep us together and apart

I hurt inside and feel great bliss
I thought that no one would ever see
That part of me we shared and in her
An intimate view of an elegant core

Deep inside her the muses sing
All above her the angels fly
Beneath her feet the earth takes life
All around her my spirit flies

Somewhere in time and space 
When we hold hands and walk 
There will be a healing so real
My body will feel no pain

Somewhere in time and space 
We will talk and she will know
Why I love her so much and always will
It is her innocence and kindness

Framed by the moonlight
Imagined as a dream so clear
I feel her kiss in the wind
Her voice in a birds sweet song

She surrounds me with life 
Through the nature of the earth
She is eternally here with me
Always near always dear

She caresses the spirit I never knew 
From behind a wall of fear and doubt
She led me by the hand to myself
Blue lady is it really you 

Is that her in the moonlight 
There and blessed be she is me 
Our tears fall in the river of pain
Our smiles fall on the hope of tomorrow

Our hearts have intertwined 
In a twisted vine we live together
For these vines to part again one or 
Both must cease to be, she is me 

~~~ Reality Dreams and Friendship ~~~

What part of friendship is love? 
When does that feeling of love cross a line
To another place in time where dreams 
Begin to blossom like tulips and wild orchids? 

What makes a dream become real?
The living of it or the dream itself taking life. 
There was a time we talked and laughed 
I was embarrassingly naive about life and love. 

You and I talked endlessly 
I never knew it was in you 
I would find myself and lose my heart 
It was a brief time of clarity.

We talked of pies and duck 
Innuendo after innuendo we laughed 
We grew comfortable with each other. 
You once asked me to stay 
When my tattered heart wanted to run and hide. 

You stayed there helping me
To believe there was more when
In fact, it was an illusion I lived
Then you were gone 

I was empty 
Not knowing why it hurt so much 
I thought it was her. 
But it was you I missed.

Then you were back 
The bells rang 
The angels stopped crying. 
I could breath again

I was able to talk to you 
Share all the things 
I thought were important to me. 
I began to understand something 

When you asked that now unforgettable question 
"want to …." 
I realized something had happened to me 
While you were gone.

You went again 
This time I was really lost. 
I tried to get by 
I was in a tornado of black wind 
I was pulled in every direction at once. 

I knew it the moment you appeared. 
I knew it when I saw your name in sweet pixels of light. 
I was afraid to say a word 
Afraid to tell you how I really felt. 

The flowers bloomed then inside me 
Until that terrible night 
In a need so deep I was lost 
I hurt you deeply. 

I was lost in apologies 
Wounded to the core. 
My life seemed over. 
Then in one amazing hoot of the loon you said hi.

You talked to me. 
There were no promises made
And none given 
There was true promise as we talked

Then your hurt came out 
In sweet whispers you enveloped me
In things long hidden
You opened up in honest friendship 

I pray I did as well
Your voice became a stranger no more
I talked and listened to you share
There was a wonderful trust we found. 

I remember your sweet voice 
Telling me you do not give up on friends so easily. 
As we grew in the friendship 
I grew in my love for you. 

I loved your courage and your kindness 
Most of all the simplicity of your dreams. 
You amazed me with your heart and soul.

© Paul Viel 1999