1st MARCH 2001
Extraordinary X-Men

Havok Havok: Alex Summers was among Bishop's original team of X-Men. Blessed with the ability to generate destructive plasma blasts, Havok leads the X-Men to the best of his ability in the war against Onslaught. Alex is also madly in love with the prelate Polaris, who was corrupted by fellow prelate Jean Grey.
Banshee Banshee: Sean Cassidy lived happily as a Interpol operative until Onslaught's takeover of North America. Now Sean uses his sonic scream to combat Onslaught's forces as the X-Men's deputy leader.
Cable Cable: Raised as a weapon for Onslaught, Rachel Summers is the daughter of Scott Summers and Jean Grey. Raised in a laboratory by her father and Hank McCoy, Rachel was infected with the techno-organic virus once Hank committed suicide. Rachel located the X-Men and now fights alongside them to save humanity.
Revelation Revelation: Lawrence Trask is both cursed and blessed by his precognitive abilities. With the ability to see events before they happen, but never able to change them, Larry is determined to destroy both his father's creations, the Sentinels, and Onslaught's wretched empire.
Warbird Warbird: Carol Danvers was an ordinary human when she suddenly found herself blessed with a vast array of powers, due to the discovery of the nega-bands of Captain Mar-Vell (an alien member of the Kree). She chose to use the power of these nega-bands to fight alongside the X-Men, for the sake of both human and mutantkind.
Chamber Chamber: Jonothon Evan Starsmore is the youngest member of Havok's team. Cursed by his powers, which ate a hole in his chest, Jono fights for his one true love, Gayle Edgerton.
Cannonball Cannonball: Samuel Guthrie joined the X-Men after Onslaught's forces attacked his home in Kentucky. He uses his kinetic blast field in many ways, first and foremost in flight. He fights Onslaught out of a hatred of the being's cause; a cause which cost Cannonball both his mother and father.
The Doc The Doc: Doctor Cecilia Reyes joined the X-Men as a field surgeon in Australia. She followed Havok's team of X-Men back to America to find her brother and his family. Cecilia is a mutant, with the ability to project an impenetrable forcefeild around her and anyone in her vicinity.
Master Mould Master Mould: The first, and most powerful Sentinel experiment, Master Mould has seemingly alligned himself against humanity, and on the side of the mutant prelates. Despite the fact that in doing so he is going directly against his prime directive. The question now is, has Master Mould turned Sentient, or has he been under Onslaught's control all along?
Sanctity Sanctity: The sister of Revelation, Tanya Trask has the ability to traverse the timestream. Scarred by what she has seen, Tanya tries to fight against her visions of the future, but finds her futile efforts mean little.

"Triumph" (Moulding Finale)

by Tony Thornley.

edited by Benn Vallely

Over Nevada

2236 hours

Havok shut down the holocomm on the Blackbird and rejoined the team in the ship's cabin area. They were all there, each with their own thoughts. Cable had seen death itself, but was pulled back by Revelation. Revelation had seen his father, and had a new perspective on his fight. Every one of them felt betrayed by Sanctity, and had a right to. Havok leaned against the bulkhead and addressed them.

"The High Council is sending a team to investigate Bastion's claims that Master Mould is still in Siberia," he said. "They were grateful to us. They had lost hope when Master Mould left its post weeks ago. I've tried tracking down Bishop, but it's no use. Legion's team is in the middle of pitched battle in Singapore. Rogue's team is out of reach. We've received word that Scott has been freed, but we're unable to contact him. Sauron's X-Force is in Africa somewhere. For some reason I've been unable to get in touch with Deathbird or the Gen-X recruits. And God only knows where Bishop is!"

"We're solo again?" Cannonball piped up.


{Good,} Chamber said. {More for us to do.}

"I guess," Havok said. "Banshee, are you still tracking Master Mould?"

"Comin' within visual range," Sean called from the cockpit. Havok crossed the cabin and ducked into the cockpit. Through the darkness Alex could see the giant Sentinel in the distance, flanked by a squadron of standard Sentinels, and several squadrons of Primes. They were lowering to the ground on the other side of a mountain range.

"Do we know where they're setting down?"

"Our maps show it as a US military base," Banshee replied.

"Name?" Alex inquired.

"None listed."

"How about Area 51?" Revelation asked. Havok turned to face him. He was standing in the door of the cockpit.

"Why do you say that?" Havok asked.

"Dad was always fascinated by Area 51," Revelation explained. "He thought that, if it existed, it would have some of the greatest technology on the planet, quite possibly in the universe. With the Sentinels at his command, he could have easily found Area 51 without Onslaught knowing."

"Banshee, set us down several miles to the south. We don't want to be detected, so be very careful of the route you choose."

"Aye, sir."

"We need an attack plan," Havok said to himself. "Come on Lawrence. It's time to start working."

(See X-Man for full details - Benn)

(See Brand X for more on Sauron and 'X-Force' - Benn)

(That's because they're in it deep enough as it is! See Gen-X for details! - Benn)

(Bishop's apparently stuck in the middle of Africa! See Bishop: The Last X-Man for more on his plight! - Benn)

Area 51

0020 hours

"We saw the X-Men's Blackbird just before we landed, Father," Sanctity said. "There's been no trace since."

Bastion paced beneath Master Mould, rubbing his goatee. "I see," he said. "They will end up here. I know it. They cannot find the weapon we have here. I plan on using it as a bargaining chip with Onslaught. He would really like its potential."

"Havok is resourceful," Tanya said. "His team was his brother's before the X-Man's capture. Since then, Havok has turned them from an assault team to an espionage team. That's why they're called the Jade team. They are the ones Bishop would go to for Black or Jade ops missions."

"Yes," Bastion replied, turning to face Tanya. "So plan on a sneak attack at night? Lots of espionage-esque methods?"


The Blackbird

0047 hours

The team stood or sat around Havok in the cabin. Alex recognised the scene as it was much the same as his briefing two days earlier. This time, there wasn't anyone there to betray them.

"We're going to surprise them," Havok said. "When Sanctity was with us, we'd do everything after dark, or around dusk. With Tanya on their side, she'll tell Bastion that, and we're going to change tactics." Havok leaned over his holo projector. "We're making a full assault in broad daylight. We're going to be using the same tactics that the team did when Scott was leading."

"So, what sort of tactics did Dad use?" Cable asked. Havok nodded to her. She and Cannonball were the only members of the team who didn't serve with Scott at all. In Cable's case, it was ironic, in a way.

"Full, all out war," Banshee said.

"Go in with both barrels blazing," Revelation continued.

"Suicide," Doc moaned.

{Exactly,} Chamber laughed.

"No back-up this time?" Cannonball asked.

"Doc will stay behind in case we need air support from the Blackbird," Havok said.

Doc shook her head. "I can hold my own in a fight. That's what my forcefield is for."

"We can't risk it," Havok said. "We need a field surgeon, and you're it."

"Whatever," Cecilia growled.

"What time is it now?" Cable asked.

"One in the morning," Havok said. "We start assault at 0900 hours. That gives you about seven and a half hours of sleep. Use it, that's an order."

Morning of the final assault

0600 hours

Revelation awoke before any of the others, and went outside to see the sunrise. He sat down on the cool desert sand and started sift handfuls of it through his fingers. He had been affected more deeply then any of the other X-Men by Sanctity's betrayal. She had betrayed the team for the same reason he stayed with them. They had both seen the future. Lawrence had seen more things than Tanya had. From what Tanya saw, she betrayed the X-Men. From what Lawrence saw, he gained hope.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Whu?" Revelation looked up and saw Cable in the hatch of the Blackbird. She smiled, then walked over to him and sat down.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she repeated.

"The future," Lawrence said. "My hope. Tanya. Father."



"I heard every word you said last night," Rachel said, rubbing at a remaining patch of TO material on her cheek. "About how you need me?"

"Oh, yeah."

"I guess over the past six months a lot has happened," Rachel said. "I'm only two years old, you know? In my short life, I've fought alongside the greatest heroes of all time, was trained as the ultimate weapon of the most evil being on the planet, missed my dad a great deal, and had a burning desire to kill my mother for what she did to Dad and Maddie. And I've fallen in love."

"Y-you've fallen in l-love?" Revelation stammered. Rachel smiled and kissed him. She pulled away, grinning.

"Not bad for someone in their terrible twos, eh?"

"No," Lawrence laughed. "Not bad. Wow, look at that!" The sun peeked over the horizon, and the sky was filled with pinks, reds, oranges, and a multitude of other colours. It was beautiful.

"You know," Rachel said. "Isn't Nightcrawler a priest?"

"He studied the priesthood a little but not near enough to be considered even a postulant priest," Revelation said. He grinned when he realised what she meant. He turned her to face him. "Marry me, Rachel."

Rachel laughed, suddenly overjoyed. "Yes!" They kissed deeply. Inside the Blackbird, Alex Summers smiled. Scott would be thrilled. If only he knew where Scott was.

0845 hours

Havok tightened the footstrap on his boots. Chamber was nearby putting a belt across his stomach to hold his jacket closed. Banshee buttoned his uniform. Doc checked her doctor's bag, making sure she had all she needed. Warbird slipped her tall boots on, followed by her long gloves, and lastly, the nega bands. Cannonball zipped up his leather jacket, then slipped on a pair of sunglasses. Cable placed her psimitar in the scabbard hung over her shoulder, then pulled her short hair back into a ponytail.

Revelation stood away from the group, checking the charges of his plasma pistols, slipping some extra clips into his jacket pockets, and then placing two weapons he had never carried into each of his boots. In one, he placed a normal semi-automatic pistol. Into the other, he slipped a combat knife. He ensured neither were visible and started to rejoin the group. Havok stopped him.

"Those weren't standard for you, were they?" Alex asked.

"No," Lawrence replied. "I'm going after Sanctity myself, and I've got the feeling I'll need them."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"I need to do this Alex," Lawrence said.

"Well," Alex pulled a small velvet box from his pocket. "Before you go off to what could be your death, give this to my niece." Alex opened it to reveal a diamond ring, with stunning craftsmanship. "Scott and I made it for me to give to Polaris once I found her. Jean Grey found her first."

"Wow, Alex, you shouldn't," Lawrence said, momentarily stunned.

"I should," he said, putting his hand on Revelation's shoulder. "Welcome to the family."

0859 hours

Lawrence held Rachel's hand just before he was carried into Area 51 by Warbird. He pulled something out of his pocket and slipped it over her finger. She pulled her hand away, and looked at the ring.

"I love you Rachel," Revelation said. "Remember that." Warbird picked up Lawrence and flew for Area 51. Cable levitated with her own telekinesis, and rocketed for the base.

"Here we go people!" Havok's voice said through the comm-links. "Impact in ten, nine, eight, seven..."

0900 hours

Cannonball rocketed into Area 51, dropping Chamber as he slammed into the Sentinels. Sam let loose with a triumphant whoop as he tore them apart, pleased that they hadn't adapted to his powers yet. Chamber let loose with powerful bio-blasts reducing the Primes to cinders. Warbird swooped down, depositing Revelation on the ground, then letting loose with a devastating blast of energy from her nega-bands. Banshee dropped Havok to the ground, then tore through the Sentinels with a sonic scream. Havok pumped his energy up to max, destroying a squadron in one blast.

As Cable landed, she telepathically flashed a thought to them all. {Reminds me of a couple days ago. Minus Bobby.}

"Definitely!" Havok cried, tearing apart more Sentinels.

(See Extraordinary X-Men #01 - Tony)

Revelation separated from the main fight. He had to find Sanctity and Bastion. He was going to pay them back for the pain they had caused. He pulled a small device from his back pocket. It was a tracker. If Sanctity hadn't taken off her comm-link, he'd be able to find her. And his father.

He slunk from shadow to shadow, hoping that no Sentinels were patrolling the area. The tracker showed he was getting closer. At last, the dot that showed his position was practically on top of Sanctity's. He drew his plasma pistols, took a deep breath and kicked the door of the hangar in.

"Freeze!" he screamed. Sanctity and Bastion spun, each drawing weapons. "Don't try it," Revelation commanded. "These pistols might be small, but they've got a serious kick to them. Enough to kill from this range. And right now, I'm aiming to kill."

Bastion laughed and clapped. "Valiant effort Lawrence," he said. "Tanya, you may kill him." Sanctity smiled and waved her hands in a quick motion. Lawrence's pistols were ripped from his grasp, then transported to who-knows-where in time.

"It seems you're at a disadvantage," Sanctity said, rushing Revelation, her psi-sword held high. Revelation took her momentum to his advantage, and swept her feet from under her.

"I've always been better at hand-to-hand than you," Lawrence taunted. "Even without my guns, I hold the advantage."

Sanctity snarled and leapt at him again. Revelation back-handed her, then went into an offensive, kicking her with a high roundhouse, then punching her hard in the gut. Sanctity took a small opening and punched Revelation in the groin. Lawrence grunted and fell to the ground.

"Advantage, me," Sanctity laughed, standing.

"Pour it on!" Havok screamed. "They're slowing!"

At first the Primes had swamped them, trying to overwhelm the team. Most of them had been able to handle multiple Sentinels at once, using their varied powers. Now the defence was slowing down. The supply of Primes was being exhausted.

"Ah don't see anymore!" Sam said through the comm-links. "We've won!"

{Don't say that just yet!} The remaining Primes seemed to be concentrating their efforts on Chamber, trying to bring down just one X-Man to avenge themselves.


"On it!" Carol flew in from above. She had never understood the energy her nega bands harnessed, just that they did a lot of damage. Damage she was about to inflict upon a squadron of Prime Sentinels.

"Hey, big uglies!" Carol tore through them, dark energy flashing. The Sentinels were reduced to their basic rudimentary atoms, as Chamber and Warbird began working in tandem. The Primes were gone. There was a rumbling as the standard models flew in.

"Keep it going team!" Havok ordered. "These guys are the lightweights!"

Sanctity rose the sword over her head. It had lost the psi energy she had pumped into it. Now, it wouldn't pass through him, firing off the neural synapses of his brain; it would cut straight through him.

"You had your chance, brother," she said, as Revelation tried to get to his feet. "You could have had all that I am going to. You could have been a king. Instead, you gave in to the weak emotion of hope. The X-Men are doomed dear brother. Accept it now, join us, and I'll spare you pitiful life." Revelation looked at her, defiance burning in his eyes.

"You know what Tanya," he said, reaching into his boot. "Get bent!" Lawrence drew his combat knife and slammed it into Tanya's solar plexus. Sanctity gasped, then swallowed.

"You've-- you've killed me?" she gasped.

"Goodbye Tanya," Lawrence said. "I'm sorry. I really am."

"Go to he..." Sanctity collapsed, dead.

"Bravo!" Bastion called. Revelation spun to face him. From several yards away, Bastion fired a single bullet into Lawrence's shoulder.

Revelation pressed his hand to the wound. Blood was flowing freely. Bastion raised the gun from the finishing shot.

{RACHEL!} Revelation screamed in his mind.


Cable jerked. It was Lawrence. She found his mind and saw Bastion aiming a gun at his head.

"Alex, it's Revelation!"

"We've got it covered!" Havok yelled, blasting a Sentinel apart. Rachel nodded, and telekinetically threw herself into the hangar where Bastion prepared to kill his son. She swiftly drew her psimitar, charged it, and threw it into Bastion's chest.

Bastion screamed as every neural synapse in his mind fired off at once. Revelation stood up. Cable could see blood flowing from a wound in his shoulder.

"Lawrence, you're hurt," she said.

"Nothing Cecilia can't fix," Revelation said, drawing a pistol from his boot. He walked over to his father and picked him up by the hair, pressing the pistol to his forehead. "Goodbye Bastion."

"Revelation, I'm your father," Bastion gasped.

"Bolivar Trask died years ago," Lawrence said.

The gunshot echoed loudly in the hangar.


The X-Men were torn and battered, but they had won. Cecilia was in the complex, seeing to Revelation's gunshot wound. Both Cable and Havok stood side by side, looking up at the now empty Master Mould replica.

"How's Lawrence?"

"Stable," she said. "Alex, I saw something in Bastion's mind before he died. There was a superweapon here he was planning on giving to Onslaught. I saw the location of it, but no details."

"Let's go find it," Havok replied. "Carol, come with us!" Warbird followed them back outside. Cable directed them to a small hangar, more out of the way than any other. Cable's finger's danced across a keypad on the door. The door click to signal it was open, and the three X-Men went into the building. Inside were six crates, each of them open. A bank of computer terminals was also next to them.

"Carol, try to find some schematics or details on this things." Havok and Cable dug into one of the crates and pulled a backpack out of the packing straw.

"Computers say these things are called extensors," Carol said. "They seem to enhance the abilities of the person using them."

"What kind of abilities?" Cable asked.


"They're power enhancers," Havok muttered. "No wonder Bastion wanted to give them to Onslaught. These things would create a super-mutant." Havok grinned.

"I think we just found our way to beat Onslaught!" he whooped triumphantly.


"Scott!" Havok laughed. "Where are you?!"

X-Man's hologram smiled. "Egypt. It's a long story Alex. I'm transmitting a series of co-ordinates. I'm gathering the teams here in order to mount the final assault on Onslaught. Any losses?"

"Sanctity," Alex replied, hanging his head. "She betrayed us to Master Mould, who turned out to be her father. It's a complicated story that I'll explain when we're all together."

"Okay. Anything else?"

"Rachel has some good news," Alex laughed. "Cable, it's your dad!" Rachel rushed into the room, thrilled to see her father again.

"Daddy! How are you?!"

"Great," Scott laughed. "I'll see you in person in a day or so. Alex says you have good news?"

Rachel held up the hand she wore her engagement ring on. "I'm engaged!"

"What?! To who?!"

"Me," Revelation walked in, his injured arm in a sling. He wrapped his good arm around Cable. "We were hoping to get married before the final assault."

"You have my consent," Scott said. "Congratulations. See you later."

The hologram clicked off.

In Age of Onslaught: Omega: The finale of Age of Onslaught! The Extraordinary team is led into the citadel on Onslaught Island by X-Man, as Cable confronts the New Mutants' Cypher in a battle that will have lasting consequences! And will Revelation and Cable be married before the battle that could end a reality?!

The Extraordinary X-Men logo was created by Benn Vallely, and may not be used without permission.
Story © 2000 Tony Thornley, and may not be reproduced without permission.

Marvel Comics