X-Men Unlimited

Rogue Rogue: The mutant known only as Rogue has the power to absorb the memories and abilities of anyone she has skin-to-skin contact with, and if she holds on too long, she can also drain their life out. When she was younger, Rogue had no control over her powers, and as a result, she’s no longer sure of which memories are hers and which aren’t. She is the leader of the X-Men's "blue" squad.
Force Force: When Vance Astrovik’s telekinesis first appeared, his father nearly beat him to death, angered by the fact that his son would dare to be a mutant. As soon as he was able to, Vance ran away, eventually joining the X-Men, pledging himself to their cause.
Locus Locus: Not much is known about the mutant teleporter Locus. Her portals can open to anytime or anyplace she has been before, providing a very valuable asset to the X-Men's "blue" squad. She is an extremely private person, and there has been much speculation amongst her teammates about her past.
Maggott Maggott: Japheth’s mutant ability is in the form of two metallic slugs that have replaced his digestive system. The slugs, known as Eany and Meany, can eat through any sort of material. When they are finished eating, they crawl back into him and release their energy into his body, giving him super-strength. Rescued from a mob in South Africa by the X-Men, Maggott is now a loyal member of their "blue" squad.
Magma Magma: The daughter of a senator from a forgotten Roman colony called Nova Roma, Amara Aquilla has the ability to create and project bursts of heat and flame. She also has control over the tectonic plates and the magma that lies beneath them. After Nova Roma was destroyed during the war between man and mutant, Amara wandered the continents, seeking to avenge the deaths of her friends and family. This is the primary reason she agreed to join the X-Men.
Bedlam Bedlam: Jesse Aaronson has the ability to create a bio-electric field that can be used to disrupt electrical systems. Separated by his family at a young age, he had been living on the streets when his mutancy developed. He was slowly being driven insane by his power (which interferes with his brain chemistry) when the X-Men found him. He is now able to control it with the help of his teammate Scrambler.
Scrambler Scrambler: The son of Korean immigrants, Il Sung Kim has the mutant ability to interrupt the functions of anything he touches, be it a living thing, machine, or even a field of energy. He can control this ability to varying degrees. After the war began, his father - a former ROK soldier - began training him in survival and fighting techniques. Upon his parents’ death at the hands of Onslaught’s forces, Il set out to find and join the X-Men.


Series Writer: Cathy Smith

#1 - "Of Mutants and Machines pt.1"
#2 - "Of Mutants and Machines pt.2"
#3 - "Of Mutants and Machines pt.3"

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