Karsten's Web

Thanks for stopping by.  I've tried to include as many of my (and hopefully your) interests on the pages of this site ...
For the historically minded, there is a full-fledged WebSeum, with artifacts from the Neolithic to the US Civil War

If you are interested in the weather, check out the weather page, where you can get your local forecast, browse the latest weather graphics and learn about climate change.

If travel is what you crave, my travel page contains links to many on-line travel services, airlines, hotels, car agencies, travel tips, and soon to include some of my travel photos.

Some articles of interest:
  • Making Medieval Style Arrows [293kb] - (1 page summary [28 kb])
  • Getting Medieval On Your Buckles [630kb] - (1 page summary [157kb])
  • Medieval Coins [164kb]
  • All articles were presented by me at Pennsic War XXX a medieval reenactment event put on each year by the Society for Creative Anachronism.

    ... and if you want to find out more about me, visit my bio page.

    Home Page WebSeum Weather Page Travel Page About me

    This page was last updated: September 12, 2003
    Questions? Contact me at: kshein@yahoo.com