Since I will be away tomorrow, and it is my turn to go a-Gaelicking,
I thought I would post a short list of thankful phrases. Even though I
know that the Thanksgiving that will be celebrated tomorrow is a
United States holiday, I am guessing that hosers all around the world can
always find something for which to give thanks.
Many thanks.
Moran taing.
moe-ran ta-eeng.
Mercedes will say grace.
Gabhaidh Mercedes an t-altachadh.
Gavee Mercedes un altochugh.
May all your days be happy ones!
A h-uile la sona dhuibh 's gun la idir dona dhuibh!
Uh hooluh lah sonnuh ghuh-eev skoon lah ghuh-eev!
Have a HOSERIFIC Thanksgiving!
Lady Mercedes
Sourse: Everyday Gaelic,
by Morag MacNeill.
Copyright 1991, GAIRM Publications,