Sorry I missed my "lesson" last week! And I'm posting this a day later
this week too, but work has
been getting in the way of my life these days...
Well, on to this week's Gaelicking. Val and Merc already gave us a great
names dictionary, but for
those who have a little difficulty with the pronunciations :-) here's
a few wav files with some of the
most common ladies' names.
Catherine: catriona.wav Catŕona (kaTREE-ana)
Kate: ceit.wav Ceit (Keyt)
Elizabeth: ealasaid.wav Ealasaid (EHLa-sedj)
Helen, Ellen: eilidh.wav Eilidh (Ei-Lee)
Isobel, Ishbel:iseabail.wav Iseabail (YEESHA-beyl)
Margaret: mairead.wav Mairead (MEYE-ruhd)
Mary: mairi.wav Màiri (MAH-ree)
Marjory: marsaili.wav Marsaili (MAHR-shalee)
Rachel: raonaid.wav Raonaid (RUN-aydj)
Janet: seonaid.wav
Sẹnaid (SHAW-naydj)
Lady Rita