Since Merc & I have different books,
I have another list of names to add to hers.
Unfortunately, some of my names came
with pronunciation, some didn't. So, I went
searching through my dictionaries &
grammar books and have come up with a
semi-educated guess for the rest. If
anyone has a better pronunciation for any of these,
don't hesitate to correct me.
Agnes Una/OO-na
Alice Ailios/AY-lees
Beth Beathag/BE-hu
Betty Beithdh/BE-ti
Brigid Brighde/BREE-deh (St. Bride)
Cathleen Caitlin/KATE-lyn
Christina Caristonia/KAR-is-djiana
Chrissie Criosaidh/KRI-say
Claire Sorcha/SOR-cha (it means "bright")
Deirdre Deirdre/JER-dre
Dolly Dolidh/DO-li
Euphemia (Effie) Oighrig/OY-ru
Flora Fionnghal/FU-ne-gah
Jane/Jean/Sheena Sine/SHEE-neh
Jeanne Sionag/SHEU-na
Jessie Seasaidh/SHEE-say
Joan Seonag/SHO-na
Kate Ceit/Keyt
Katie Ceiteag, Ceitidh/KEYT-a,
Kenna Ceana/KEN-nuh
Kirsty Ciorstaidh/KIR-stay
Maggie Magaidh/MAG-ay
Marion Mor/Mur
May Maili/MAY-lee
Nancy Nansaidh/NAN-say
Peggy Peigi/PE-iee
Rachel Raonaid/RUN-ayd
Ruth Rut/Root
Sheila Sile/SEE-leh
Sorry Merc, still no Debra...and no Valerie either.
Valerie L.