Welcome to my page. My name is Redwolf of the Cherokee Tribe. The name was given to me by my great-grandfather, a shaman, the medicene man of his tribe. He sensed great strength and leadership in me. The wolf spirit has given strength and wisdom to many people. The wolf is respected, but feared by those that don't understand it. As you walk through the pages, look into the eyes and see the soul of the wolves. Please sign my guestbook and come back to see new spirits as I find them.

Furry Pictures

Wolf Crest

Come and see the Pups playing and learning about life.

See the Wolf Art and how special it is to capture the wolf in a painting.

Play in the snow is always a fun game when you are wild like the wolf.

The Families pictured here are a proud and brave pack.

The Way of the Wolf is exciting and intriguing.

Take a look at the Wolf Poses, see which one you like the best.

Listen to My Music, something I love and to share with others.

My Private Collection, take a look at what I have in my home.

Here, I have found New Faces to add and new souls to discover.

Still More New Faces that I have found recently.

Another animal that is very beautiful to look at are the Snow Tigers. These animals are on the endangered list, only about 120 remain today.

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