Jessie and Roy
getting married
April 24, 1999!

How we met:
This summer, Roy and I both worked in a bath salt factory. His friend, Walt, for reasons unkown, told me that Roy liked me and wanted my email address. Roy had told him no such thing. I had thought that Roy was either married or gay or goin steady-- at any rate, UNavailable.
I was emboldened and began to talk more to Roy and email him. The thing that most attracted me to him was that he was so interesting and conversation came easily (we talked straight thru lunch and break time).
The time came when the factory laid off all the workers because there was no work left to do. On that last day, I kept hinting to Roy that I would like to continue our friendship. He seemed oblivious. So I asked him out to brunch (in front of everybody else). He didn't say yes or no and we continued our conversation until it was time to go home.
Roy, as usual, met me at the bus stop. I asked him out to brunch again. This time he said yes and got my phone number.

On April 24, 1999 I will walk down the aisle and be "given away" by my dad, Bill Bohnenkamp.
My maid of honour will be Carleen Ellen, who is a very good friend of mine. Another friend, Marissa, will be my other bridesmaid.
My flower girl will be Sarah Cook. The ring bearer is at present undecided...
We are registered at Target and will be registering soon at Service Merchandise (for needed appliances and misc. stuff). What we really really need is a new microwave and toaster oven. Things that we couldn't put on our "wish list" include:
gift certificate to Pet Warehouse...
...and not much else besides that it looks like!

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