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Josef Rosenboim
23-04 Crescent Street
Astoria, NY 11105
Education and Training  
1996-1999 Graduate School, CUNY, Ph.D. program, Environmental Psychology, The City University of New York.
1994-1995 Clinical Psychology--License in Clinical Psychology-DESS, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Specialisées, a professional diploma in Clinical Psychology, University of Strasbourg, France.
1993-1994 Clinical Psychology--MA, Clinical Psychology, University of Grenoble, France.
July-August 1992 University of California at Berkeley: Summer session - Clinical Psychology-Women's Studies.
1990-1993 Clinical Psychology--BA, Clinical Psychology, University of Grenoble, France.
1976-1979 Jewish History--BA, Jewish History, History of Eretz-Israel, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
1973-1974 Political Science, Economics--Classes in Political Science and Economics, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Professional Training  
1994-1996 Certified Director in Psychodrama--CP, Psychodrama training Institue, NYC. Training in group therapy, Sociometry, and Psychodrama with R. Siroka, Ph.D. Practitioner level certification by the American Board of Examiners.
October 1993 Training in Gestalt Therapy--Training with Dr. Yontef, Los Angeles.
April 1993 Expressive Therapy--The European Expressive Therapies Conference, Leuk, Switzerland.
1987-1993 Psychodrama Training--Psychodrama training at the folowing institutions: Moreno Institue, Überlingen, Germany, with Dr. Gretel Leutz. Paris, France, with Anne Schutzenberger-Ancelin. Tel-Aviv, Israel, The Inner-Theater with Yaacov Naor.
1986-1988 Art Therapy and Painting--Art Therapy and Painting with Yael Agasi, and Ethel Gardner.
Professional Experience  
1998-1999 Computer consultant--Computer consultant at the information Resources, Graduate School, City University of New York.
1992-1998 Psychodrama trainer and facilitator--group facilitator and open sessions in the following places: Maison Pour Tous, Grenoble, France. Soleil, Strasbourg, France. Tao Institute, Tel-Aviv, Israel Kivunim (Directions) Institue, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Beth Jacob, Astoria, NY. Performance of a Lifetime, NYC.
March-July 1996 Art Therapy, Psychodrama and Therapy--different therapy approaches with children at Misholim institue, Jerusalem, Israel.
Oct-Nov 1995 Group Therapy internship--Group therapy approaches with children, adolescents and adults. Four Winds Hospital, Katonah, NY, with Peter Pitzele, Ph.D.
1994-1995 Group therapist--Hôpital des Armées, Strasbourg, France.
1992-1994 Cinical Psychology Internships--working with local patients with a psychologist in the following places: C.M.P. La Côte St. André, France. C.H.S St. Egrève, Grenoble, France.
1991-1993 Group Therapy, individual Psychodrama, Individual therapy--working with a population of adolescents at C.H.S St. Egrève, Antenne Adolescents, Secteur A3, Grenoble, France.
1975-1989 Commercial activities--Partner and Manager at my family business.
1972-1974 Kibbutz member--Member of a founding group, establishing a new kibutz in the Golan Heights.
1969-1972 Military Service--served in the IDF for 3 years. Trained as paratrooper.

English, French, German, Hebrew - fluent in all aspects. Working knowledge of Portuguese.


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