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Harold is a PUBLISHED AUTHOR ... He is a Sweet Friend ... Thanks Harold for allowing me to post your Poems!


A sign of change cuts through and falls from the sky
Different shapes and sizes, with their courses they will fly.
Falling down to the earth as a blanket covering the lawn
As a mother deer in a thistle cares for her still young fawn.

Trees lose their leaves going from active and full to dying and thin
The grass becomes ever so brittle, we know it will have to mend.
Clouds erase the sun while the moon starts to shine and becomes our light
Time seems to reverse, now our days seem to turn into nights.

Smoke bellows from chimneys, burning wood the aroma we smell
The water on the lake now frozen, also freezes deep within a well.
A chill befalls us as we enter a darkness, an icy cold domain
Never straying out very far, cause soon we start to feel some pain.

Old man Winter comes around for a short while, then he is gone
Sometimes seems like forever, but actually doesn't last very long.
Always remember there are three other seasons for all to go through
The clouds will change from gray to white, the sky will return to blue.

(C) September 11, 1998

This Poem Submitted to me by a Wonderful Woman and a Good Friend:

"Silence of the storm"

As I see the clouds comming in,
I wonder where they have been!
Along the sky all so big and bright,
Till the clouds come rolling in......
Thunder starts and then the rain,
I say to myself is this gods pain!?
To see him crying makes me sad,
or is he just giving us the tears we needed so bad.......
Lighting strikes and wind really blows,
Fires get started how many,
God only knows,
with all our strenth in our fire fighter men,
They work hard to put out all the fires,
Then all of a sudden it starts to storm,
We all know gods letting it pour for we needed the storm,
So we can have silence in the night,
And with all the sky bright and blue,
We know the storm just passed us through.....
Silence of a storm........

Written by Betty Hanson........9-20-98

Dear Patrick,
I was then an only child who had everything I could ever want. But even a pretty, spoiled and rich kid could get lonely once in a while so when Mom told me that she was pregnant, I was ecstatic. I imagined how wonderful you would be and how we'd always be together and how much you would look like me. So, when you were born, I looked at your tiny hands and feet and marveled at how beautiful you were.
We took you home and I showed you proudly to my friends. They would touch you and sometimes pinch you, but you never reacted.
When you were five months old, some things began to bother Mom. You seemed so unmoving and numb, and your cry sounded odd -- almost like a kitten's. So we brought you to many doctors. The thirteenth doctor who looked at you quietly said you have the "cry du chat"(pronounced kree-do-sha) syndrome, 'cry of the cat' in French. When I asked what that meant, he looked at me with pity and softly said, "Your brother will never walk nor talk." The doctor told us that it is a condition that afflicts one in 50,000 babies, rendering victims severely retarded. Mom was shocked and I was furious. I thought it was unfair.
When we went home, Mom took you in her arms and cried. I looked at you and realized that word will get around that you're not normal. So to hold on to my popularity, I did the unthinkable ... I disowned you.
Mom and Dad didn't know but I steeled myself not to love you as you grew. Mom and Dad showered you with love and attention and that made me bitter. And as the years passed, that bitterness turned to anger, and then hate.
Mom never gave up on you. She knew she had to do it for your sake. Every time she put your toys down, you'd roll instead of crawl. I watched her heart break every time she took away your toys and strapped your tummy with foam so you couldn't roll. You'd struggle and you'd cry in that pitiful way, the cry of the kitten. But she still didn't give up. And then one day, you defied what all your doctors said -- you crawled. When Mom saw this, she knew that you would eventually walk. So when you were still crawling at age four , she'd put you on the grass with only your diapers on knowing that you hate the feel of the grass on your skin, and smile at your discomfort. You would crawl to the sidewalk and Mom would put you back. Again and again, Mom repeated this on the lawn. Until one day, Mom saw you pull yourself up and toddle off the grass as fast as your little legs could carry you. Laughing and crying, she shouted for Dad and I to come. Dad hugged you crying openly. I watched from my bedroom window this heartbreaking scene.
Over the years, Mom taught you to speak, read and write.
From then on, I would sometimes see you walk outside, smell the flowers, marvel at the birds, or just smile at no one. I began to see the beauty of the world around me, the simplicity of life and the wonders of this world, through your eyes. It was then that I realized that you were my brother and no matter how much I tried to hate you, I couldn't, because I had grown to love you.
During the next few days, we again became acquainted with each other. I would buy you toys and give you all the love that a sister could ever give to her brother. And you would reward me by smiling and hugging me.
But I guess, you were never really meant for us. On your tenth birthday, you felt severe headaches. The doctor's diagnosis -- leukemia. Mom gasped and Dad held her, while I fought hard to keep my tears from falling. At that moment, I loved you all the more. I couldn't even bear to leave your side.
Then the doctors told us that your only hope was to have a bone marrow transplant. You became the subject of a nationwide donor search. When at last we found the right match, you were too sick, and the doctor reluctantly ruled out the operations.
Since then, you underwent chemotherapy and radiation.
Even at the end, you continued to pursue life. Just a month before you died, you made me draw up a list of things you wanted to do when you got out of the hospital. Two days after the list was completed, you asked the doctors to send you home. There, we ate ice cream and cake, run across the grass, flew kites, went fishing, took pictures of one another and let the balloons fly. I remember the last conversation that we had. You said that if you die, and if I need of help, I could send you a note to heaven by tying it on the string any a balloon and letting it fly. When you said this, I started crying. Then you hugged me.
Then again, for the last time, you got sick. That last night, you asked for water, a back rub, a cuddle. Finally, you went into seizure with tears streaming down your face. Later, at the hospital, you struggled to talk but the words wouldn't come. I know what you wanted to say. "I hear you," I whispered. And for the last time, I said, "I'll always love you and I will never forget you. Don't be afraid. You'll soon be with God in heaven." Then, with my tears flowing freely, I watched the bravest boy I had ever known finally stop breathing.
Dad, Mom and I cried until I felt as if there were no more tears left. Patrick was finally gone, leaving us behind.
From then on, you were my source of inspiration. You showed me how to love life and live life to the fullest. With your simplicity and honesty, you showed me a world full of love and caring. And you made me realize that the most important thing in this life is to continue loving without asking why or how and without setting any limit. Thank you, my little brother, for all these.

Your sister,


Being alone is the greatest pain one can know,
your life is drained from your heart,
your light is darkened,
your thoughts are turned inward,
your mind is tainted,
you become consumed by the loneliness,
it eats away at you from within,
consumes more and more until all that remains is a shell,
hollow and forgotten,
the suffering continues even then,
nolonger fed by you but by what companionship that your eyes see,
no more tears can you shed,
no sleep can you find in your bed,
living a shallow life of many fears,
discarded like a dead and wilted flower to ashes you turn,
and then like dust blown away in the wind you become,
you pray for love to once again fill your life,
to give back your strength,
to again feel life flow through your veins,
for it to again be pumped by your bursting heart,
if and when love will come again,
you do not know,
until then what will you do?
What will you dream of?
will it be of love?
will it be of lost memories or of what could have been?
and when you wake will you be the same?
or in the night did you open your eyes?
now do you see you love?
or yet another day will you live alone?
like so many other days you have lived with the pain,
of looking around and seeing that you are without love
and that you are alone ..


I heard from your angel today my friend,
He said he heard your prayers, and many
answers he would try and send.
The Angel said, keep your patience and love
for he was sending your wishes today, on
the wings of a white dove.
So dry those tears of sadness, open your
heart to gladness!!
For the love you do seek is here my friend,
Keep your faith he said and soon he would send.
All the love that your heart can contend.
For smile with laughter in your heart today,
For I also had an angel pray.
To pray for the love you so do desperately need.
Now is the time to plant the seed.
For believe in angels, they believe in you,
and soon you will find the true love for you!!




On the horizon, there comes a day
A night of passion is fading away
Reflections of light dazzle the skies
Blazing colors, the sun on the rise

Fullfillment of soul, satisfaction of mind
Ecstacy uncovered in the night left behind
Precious heartbeats, the rythm of love
Priceless memories, life is made of

Tears of joy and deep gazing eyes
Peace rains down from new morning skies
Endless passion till the dawn of day
Love was meant to be this way

The sound of voices, whispers so low
Silent laughter and smiles aglow
Content with life, ecstatic in love
The morning after in heaven above


Diamonds in the sky, stars of night
Glittering clusters of terrestrial light
Sparkling eyes and a subtle wink
Heightened desire, love on the brink

Extending hands, fingers shake
Gambling hearts, passion at stake
A slow burning fuse igniting soul
Sensual kisses, loss of control

A touch, a quiver, sigh and a moan
From a single wink desire has grown
Thoughts of love possessing minds
Shutting windows, closing blinds

Private passion, no rules observed
Tasting pleasure, nothing reserved
Slow and gentle, fast and hard
Peaking climax, no holds barred

Love in control, positional change
Heated moments, passion exchange
The wink of an eye, a heartbeat away Diamonds in the sky night and day


Sensation of touch, heartfelt embrace
Tempting desire, satin and lace
Sensual passion, realizing dreams
A longing for pleasure, endless it seems

Engravement of thought, focus of mind
An enlightened soul, darkness behind
Peace within, sorrow without
Guided by love, no worry or doubt

Today there is light, the sky is aglow
Tonight there is passion, loving and slow
The sun will set, then it will rise
Morning we'll see through each other's eyes

Floating on clouds, drifting away
A wishing star in the light of the day
Sleep with an angel, wake with the same
Forever in my heart, love is her name

PLEASE NOTE.....If you see anything on any of my pages that should not be there ...... please notify me immediately ..... and it will be removed .... THANKYOU


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