April 22, 2001
The 4/20 "appearance" at SSHS started on shaky ground, with Mr. Wolf
(Head of the English Dept) censoring sections of my reading. First off I
brought 50 copies of the exercise he wanted me to provide....he'd asked for
30, but when he asked how many I had and I said 50 he said he needed 100
more. So he went off to the Xerox room. I was reading the last chap of book
one when he returned ... afterwards he said it was a bit too risqué for that
group -- sophomores. He had told me when I first talked to him on the phone
that all the classes were Seniors! To me they ALL look like babies. :O)
After we broke for lunch I told him to pick what he wanted me to read from
the book, plus, I gave him the first chap of "Fair Game" to see if it would
be okay for the afternoon classes....
When I came back Mr Wolf was ecstatic over the new chap...he said ALL the
teachers want to buy book two. BUT he'd marked the first part up to the last
sentence and said it would be "okay" to read. So I didn't read that sentence
-- it had "wiener" and "pee" in it. The kids seemed to enjoy the afternoon
reading better as I didn't go all through the chapter without pause, but
stopped and discussed what had been read. The morning group did the exercise
and in each of the 3 afternoon classes at least one student came up to talk
to me after class, among them a budding poet with writer's block, who
hopefully, I helped.
Mr. Wolf DID explain that there's some big to-do going on over a book he
had on his required reading list. I believe he said it was "The Chocolate
War" and a bunch of parents raised hell and want it banned. Oh yah, he
didn't want me to read any of the swear words. Apparently "Choc." had a lot
of those and that's what parents bugged out over.
Unlike with Mr. Banker, who was in charge last year, I wasn't invited to
eat at the school. Mr. Wolf said, "We usually have errands to do at lunch."
SO....Muriel was supposed to come get me and we were going to
lunch...WELL...she neglected to inform me she was working at the church, so
she took me home at 10:45 a.m. and came back for me at noon - I was due back
at 12:20. I had a can of Slim Fast because I hadn't defrosted anything
thinking I was going out to eat. THEN she said she couldn't come get me but
that her daughter in law would at 3:15 and the woman DID, but I felt guilty
asking her to take me to the grocers, so I came home and put on my WINTER
coat as it really got nasty - rain/cold and then I hiked over to the grocer
to get a frozen dinner...I was STARVING> :o)
So that was my day. Nothing was said about how/when we would be paid, but
I think the teacher puts in the chit and then it's a long wait....up to 3
months. At least that's what happened last time. In spite of the aggravations
I did enjoy "starring" again. Hope the kids got something out of it. They
seemed interested and we did have a lively discussion about the 1950s high
school scene as compared to the 2001 scene AND some of the tricks of the
writing trade.
* * * * * * *
Earlier this week I went to a funeral for my former charge STELLA!, who
passed away on Easter Sunday at age 90. She had a long, productive life --
eight children and many grand and great-grand children. And so the list of
dear old friends who have left me behind gets a bit longer - The end of last
year saw the sudden passing of long time banking friend TOM GAYAN (IL), just
in his 50s and longtime Sons of Norway stalwart, GLORIA EIDE (WI). I miss
them all.
April 6, 2001
I'm reading "Waiting To Exhale" -- saw a documentary on
the author and found her intriguing. She recently went off to Jamaica and
found herself a little joy boy whom she MARRIED!? - Hmmm too bad I didn't
know ahead of time, I would have warned her about summer romances. Also
picked up "Last Picture Show," though I don't care for the setting - Texas.
YUK. I believe I've seen both movies. I'm suddenly into reading again,
really missed it, too.
SOooo I'm back to my editing. Amazing - no matter how many times you look
you still find little glitches. With the computer it's mostly spacing for
some reason - I guess my eyes are getting worse. It's hard to find the spaces
when you're working on the computer, but on the hard copy they jump right out
at you. I have a problem with apostrophes too for some reason...am constantly
rereading my grammar books. Sometimes they're like reading Greek. :O
We're into some shitty weather - rain/cold. Hopefully it's spring rain! -
AND that it'll wash away all the FILTHY DIRTY SNOW!
March 30, - April 4, 2001
Had a busy day. Cabbed to the Duluth Public Library on 3/30 to get
footnotes for the final step of book two, which praise the Lord(!) I finished
on 3/26/01 at 6 a.m.!!!! Pretty sure I got everything I need. After I left I
hootched east on Superior St. - heading for Ace Hardware for a garage light,
thinking, "maybe I should call Savage (the Publisher) for a ride home," WHEN
- here he comes up from Michigan St.! I about swooned! :O) He had a lunch
engagement. I had lunch at Coney Island on lst... Didn't have coneys though
-- had a Gyros sandwich -- it was HUGE. I ate it all though. :O) Then
wandered around the Holiday Center. Geez...there aren't any bookstores on
Superior St. anymore.... I knew there's some at the bay front , (on the way
to Park Point), but the weather was too lousy to wander further.... Raw
wind, rain, fog, etc.... really yukky. I took two busses home - Duluth and So
End. Was glad to get home and take my nap. :O) Oh yah - the fog horns were
going like crazy. I LOVE that sound.
Meanwhile, Savage Press and I are at a crossroad in our negotiations. I
wonder if it has something to do with the prominent Northern Lights/full
moon/shitty weather.....YIKES! I may be losing it.....
I don't rem. whether March went out like a lamb or a lion, but suspect it
was a lamb as now things seem rocky PLUS there may still be some snow in the
air. UFF DA! I survived my 66th birthday (the day the swallows returned to
Capistrano) -- not that I celebrated or anything. Got 30 some cards, a few
oldies (friends) missing -- but won't put them on any hit list. ahahaaa -- we
are ALL having those senior moments. I appreciate all the ones I got, plus
the monetary rewards ($116!), the bottle of Tia Maria from old buddy, Mirka
Lange and book (on writers/writing et al) from old pals Jan/Jay Archie.
Birthday cards are at the ready for April - meanwhile HAPPY APRIL BIRTHDAY
GREETINGS GO OUT TO: niece, JoMarie Velissariou, Gr. niece Rachel Oliphant,
Niece April Marro, 2nd cuz Lucy Green, cuz. Nicky Mockler, Gr. nephew Kosta
Velisariou, fiends, Marie Jacobsen, Geo. Hardison, Marite Butners & Jim
My friend Bonnie Andrews Drake was away for a few days in the Twin Cities
with her daughter Lisa (From CA) and two grandchildren; Barbara Johnson
Turner is out in Omaha as we speak, helping her Mom celebrate her birthday
(3/30). I sure miss them both when they're away as they are regular
emailers.... Most of my other "regulars" are 'kind of' slipping up.
I'll be speaking at the SSHS on April 20 - to 3 Sr. classes -- an all day
session. Hope I can "hold up!" :O)
January 1, 2001
Here we are...in the new year! Great to be alive and fairly well :O) -
I started the
year off right by doing FIVE snail mail letters, with lord-knows-how-many to
go! These five include three Bank friends - R.P. Andersen, who's Christmas
card was returned as I was off one digit on the address. HUMPH - in Superior
the mailman finds me when people send my mail to the house I lived in five
years ago! :O) Mirka Lange - ever generous friend, whose wedding I attended
with my ex back in the 60s...never forget THAT soiree! ...Dave/Brenda Miller
...Dave worked for me in the security vault the last 10 years of my tenure at
elbanko, ever faithful in keeping me posted on their activities; I mention
the bankers first as last night I dreamed I was back in the bank working...in
the vault. Had been to the cafeteria and gobbled up FREE shrimp for the
holiday with Mr. Howard Wittenberg, a VP in my day and then went to the vault
and the massive steel door almost crushed me...after which I had some trauma
about some misplaced securities I’d forgotten to lock up the Friday
before...hmmm....wonder why those work hysterics are still jogging around in
my brain???? The only thing that I can figure triggered all that was, before
going to bed I espied a pkg of shrimp in my freezer and put it out to thaw.
hmmm. I also did some thank yous to new Superiorite friend Kathi Patnode &
Floridian Jan Breitzmann Gagnon, Central Class of 1951, who has been a
regular correspondent since reading my book. Am happy to report I finished
reading "Tis," by Frank McCourt (sequel to Angela's Ashes) today. Thank you
Barb Turner for the loan. It was a good read...not as good as the first one,
but an interesting exercise into Memoir writing. McCourt has a way with
words....as most Irish do, though a bit long-winded and sometimes confusing,
due to the fact he doesn't use quotation marks around dialogue passages.
Still...recommended for those who enjoy, as do I, any book on the immigrant
experience. Available at www.amazon.com
December 31, 2000
This is it! The last day of a vintage year. Hope 2001 will match - maybe even
be better? I'm rehashing some old memories...not all good ones. Gotta stop,
though as it’s making me blue. BUT...blue is the color for New Years, isn't
it? Sadness for losses ... friends, dreams. It’s also time for hope...I hope!
Mostly I want to send out thanks for my family and friends...it’s been such
a joy hearing from you all at Christmas. Your generosity is unparalleled -
GRANDNIECE HEATHER(JOHN)...for your wonderful/generous gifts.... Mostly
thanks everyone for the gift of your friendship and love. Special thanks to
my website webmaster, LARRY VERKEYN! who continues to make me look good!....
December 28, 2000
Yesterday the 27th, cuz RM. of NM and MA got hold of me. We had a lovely
chat. Not so with my medico, who also called. I had some prescripts. renewed,
one of which had to be called in to the Doc. Meanwhile my 2nd medico called
in a prescript. I needed. The first doc. wants to know what doses I was
taking of HIS and then said she wanted to see me in Jan. for yet another
blood check. I said, “I already have an appointment with you in Jan!” ...
silence, then “oh.” An hour later she calls back and tells me to bring ALL
my medications along. Like, she doesn't KNOW what I'm taking. Lord save us
from medicos! I got HER prescript, but not HIS and HER’s has the dosage that
Last night, suffering as I am with the cold from hell, I didn't take the
damn b.p.
medicine - good thing too as the Nyquill dried me out and I kept drinking
gallons of water (the blood pressure. pills have the same effect) - worse, I
was wearing my “snugly” and had to pull it all the way to my ankles each
time I went to the toilette! (Its a step-in). WHAaaaaaaaa....
December 26, 2000
Back to reality! It's 3:01 a.m. and I'm up. Slept most of Christmas
due to
an oncoming, humdinger of a cold. Missed three phone calls - from the
who wanted to know if I still had the receipt to the robe I bought her
the driver Muriel, who wanted to know what time KMart opens today!!?!
and my
cuz Rosemary Stone (visiting daughter Patty Stone Green & fam. in Mass)
darn. That last call is the only one I feel sorry about.
I noticed this morning that one of my gifts still has the price tag
it. Why does
that bother me? Is it because my mother always INSISTED that that was
taste? OR is it because I'm sure the perpetrator either a. wants me
the price, & wants me to be impressed, or, b. was in such a hurry,
care WHAT they bought? Maybe it's simply the usual bitchy state the
puts me in. Bah humbug? Hmmm.... I think I'm getting to be a real
grinch. An
OLD grinch - wore a nightcap to bed last night...just like my grandpa
used to. :O)
December 24, 2000
I am playing Christmas music this a.m., trying to “get in the mood.”
Hmmm - this
has been a strange holiday season. I've felt detached or something. No
incentive. I
FINALLY (on 12/22) got to my baking and even THAT was a struggle. Esp. since
sunbakkel dough wasn’t up to par and I had to dabble with it. They taste all
right but look
like hell....they all have cellulite ripples. ahaha. I made 5 diff. kinds of
“fussy” Norse
goodies. This afternoon I’ll be at the sis Day’s with her son John/family,
granddaughter Heather. Whipped up an ENORMOUS container of fried rice/pork-
chicken adobo - the latter a Filipino dish that the X used to make & a year
or so ago I got
a craving for. HE prob. “turned over” in his grave site imagining ME at long
last cooking
one of his specialties!
WHY am I feeling funked out? Have been contemplating that question. I
think it’s
got something to do with Christmas’s past. Do I sound like Scrooge? NOTHING
compares to those days - even when, at their darkest, my family managed to
make them
joyful for us kids. That’s the answer I came up with. What do YOU all think
it is? SPEAK
December 23, 2000
Miss Muriel, my driver, tried to turn left on a red light this a.m. That
was the
FIRST thing that disconcerted me. The second was my liquor store Mgr. who,
gentleman that he is, carried my purchases to the car. When I went to give
him a “Merry
Christmas” hug he stuck his tongue half way down my throat!!! YIKES! The
part is that, after, walking through the grocer’s I enjoyed the feeling of
wet lips. An
almost-lost-memory. Guess I should get to Ireland & kiss the Blarney Stone.
December 22, 2000
The www.superior-wi.com site (Guestbook) has a new format, which has cut
a lot of participation. You now have to get a password and log on. No more
rhetoric or bad mouthing Drat....I miss some of it. :O)
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