

Entry of:20-02-2000

Ajax this week:
Team in dispair, team in trouble, team not worth being in second place.All phrases that
can be said for Ajax at the moment. But hey, who cares how they call it, as long as the
Amsterdam eleven win, there is sunshine. Typically Graafschap took the lead today,
Grim imitated a statue and let Vaisanen score in the 4th minute. And it seemed to become
a tough afternoon for Ajax. But off all players it was Machlas who scored the equalizer
in the 7th minute.Then the opportunities got more numberous, and Ajax failed and failed
In fact it was only Gronkjaer who was a dangerous player,together with Laudrup.
Machlas looked quite helpless, but it was him who set up a combination with Dani
and let Dani score in the 23rd minute. For the rest it was a miserable afternoon for
the audience seeing their team waste chance after chance. In the second half Wouters
could no longer bare to see Machlas play and while being changed some bad looks
were exchanged. Referee Luyten, by far not the best ref in the Dutch league, did feel
left behind and saw his chance to give a bad call in the 86th minute. Dramatically
he pulled the 4th red card for Chivu this season after a charge that was yellow if
it even was a card. It was a bad thing for a defender that is developing in a good way.
Next Ajax game:
Graafschap beaten, next opponent also not too strong, it looks fine for Ajax. Next week
Ajax plays in and against Den Bosch, the no.17 of todays table. Still Den Bosch gave
Roda JC a tough time this week. So if taken seriously Den Bosch should not be a too big of
problem. Let's just write it down, 3 more points.
Note for Ajax this week: 6

Competition this week:
Tough, very tough is it to keep track of PSV. Seven points ahead with 1 match more played
but the gap is gonna be difficult if PSV is not loosing. This week a draw was the only
right conclusion in the game PSV-Vitesse but PSV won 3-2. Feyenoord blundered and
made me smile yet once again. Weakly they did not found their usual luck and were sent
away from Tilburg(Willem II) with a defeat, 2-1. FC Twente had a tough night in Sittard
and drawed with 2-2 against Fortuna S. Heerenveen did not get to a win in and against
Utrecht they saw a own goal and a penalty ruin their afternoon bringing the final score
to 2-2. Still it will be tough for Ajax to keep pace with PSV, cause PSV has allready
covered almost all matches with difficult opponents, while Ajax still has some
tricky matches ahead(Feyenoord away,Vitesse away and 2 times FC Twente)
Note for competition this week: 7

Moment of the week
Serious disorder in Tilburg this sunday, large groups of dissatisfied fans came
to Tilburg(Willem II-Feyenoord) to protest against the combi-rules, cause fans are
not happy to be obliged to travel with organized ways of transportation. And what was
supposed to be peaceful demonstrating, ended up in a bad result of 125 arrests. It
lead to the resignation of the director of Feyenoord-Fanclub, who was deeply
ashamed. I would like to give a big middlefinger to all fans who ruined it this afternoon
You assholes, you just think you are so tough, but you dont think of the conse-
quences. The combi-rules where we all against, will get further away with this
kind of behaviour you unadult children. Further I would like to spend no more
words to this sad display of stupidity.
Funny moment this week was most definitally arranged by Grim, the worlds
best goalie(hahahaahahah) that defends Ajax goal. He must have had a vision of
v.d.Sar in front of him and felt like he could also take the ball by the foot and play
along with his defence but boy boy boy, it looked desastrous and Ajax was lucky
that Graafschap attackers were not so sharp.

Willem ter Haar
(Bad play and 2nd place, unbelievable but true, but PSV shows that you can
even be on top of the table with bad play. Everything seems possible)
