Welcome to my Guestbook!

Miriam & Gady - 07/25/00 16:50:51
My URL:http://www.geocities..com/hammel_m/
My Email:hammely@surfree.net.il

Hope u were not on that Concord, welcome home !! Gady will be happy to inform me that all of u are fine. love to all the family Hdoda ve hadod

Martha - 07/25/00 16:43:40
My Email:hammely@syrfree.net.il

Identity problem, but who has'nt. I think we are getting along quiet well in spite of it and because of it Gadt wants to say that eat and it are interchangeable, whats your opinion?

Avital - 01/16/00 02:33:59

Just wanted to say hi. We received the letter and the e mail. too bad you can't use it more. . Noa was happy with her private letter... We will write soon. I see your site is growing-that's great! I am working on two stories presently. All the best,hugs, vital

Avital - 01/05/00 17:46:56
My Email:a_ani@hotmail.com

How lovely! Now we are neighbors-in the virtual world. Congratulations for the poems and for the website! Hugs from all of us.

Gady - 12/29/99 19:19:43
My URL:http://I aint got any
My Email:hamelgad@zahav.net.il

its always good to be the first to open a guest book a right usually given to vips only rachel the ex tenant sents her regards

- 12/27/99 15:29:52


- 12/27/99 14:59:15


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