
Bintu header
Kela Catherine

Four young ladies, all very beautiful but very different, and all very close to my heart :

(Top left) Bintu aged nine - struggling to better herself and at the same time help her mother earn enough to feed their family in sub-Saharan Ghana; (middle) Kela aged sixteen - a brillant student, linguist and already a published writer in three languages, determined to complete her education in spite of the turmoil in her homeland of Albania, and (top right) my own very dear daughter Catherine, eighteen - a committed conservationist who is about to leave school in peaceful rural England to follow her dream and study Marine Biology at University.

Their dreams may be very different, their paths may never cross, but together they represent the future of the world.


(above right): Eight-year-old Shwe lives in Myanmar (formerly Burma), close to the Thai border. We have recently committed ourselves to supporting her in her quest to bring better living conditions for herself, her family and her whole community, and hopefully she too will realise her dream, of becoming a teacher and passing on what she has learned to future generations.

She is Tomorrow.

She will move beyond
Our realities and limitations
To create possibilities
That exceed all
Our dreams.

She will step forward
Into the future, taking with her a
World transformed and renewed by
The keeping of
Her Promise.

She is Tomorrow.......

...... She is your daughter.

Originally written for the US Girl Scouts, but it can be applied to ALL girls growing up in the world of today.

Red and yellow, black and white, All are precious in His sight.

If you would like to help other children like Bintu, Shwe and Kela, why not contact ActionAid, Plan International, World Vision, or any of the many other child sponsorship programmes to be found on the Internet and ask about child sponsorship? Your help, and the fact that you care, really CAN make a difference.

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