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"The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit." - W. Somerset Maugham

Let's build this into the most comprehensive
Quotes Database on the Web!

Please e-mail me any quotes, or URLs to quotes, that you like, and that are in the spirit of what follows. With your help, we can do it! Obviously, I must reserve the right to exercise selective judgement.

These quotes come mostly from things I've read, but friends have sent me several, and I've also plagarized them shamelessly from the wonderful websites of others. A well-turned phrase has a way not only of illuminating the human condition and revealing great truths, but also of giving us insights into human character and the nature of reality. They offer consolation, humor and perspective. Few of us have not, at some time in our lives, been where the writer has. I offer the quotes below to share with you. I also appreciate any corrections you may have. Hopefully, this will become a work, and a resource, for all of us.

The Faces of American Iraqi War Dead

Robert's Picture
(I always want to see what people look like - dumb, I know, but it matters, somehow)

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Other great quote websites! Agribiz
Thomas Jefferson, on Politics & Government William Shakespeare
Angiebabe's Quotation Collection The Complete Works of Shakespeare
Quotes from J.R.R. Tolkien Pieces of Poetry
Notable Quotes Freedom's Nest
Bartleby Library: Great Books Online The Quotable Mark Twain
Quotes to Think About ... Famous Quotations
Groucho Marx Quotes H.L. Mencken Quotes

Index of Authors

Anon.   A   B   C   D   E   F   G Gandhi   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W  X   Y  Z

Index of Subjects

Being Yourself (coming soon)
Human Nature (coming soon)
Politics (coming soon)
Relationships (coming soon)
Religion (coming soon)
Time (coming soon)
Truth (coming soon)
War (coming soon)


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Abu 'Abdullah al-Qurashi.

Ali, Muhammad.

Alighieri, Dante. THE DIVINE COMEDY

Adams, John

Alexie, Sharman.

Angela, Spacegirl

Aquinas, Thomas


Arnold, Matthew. DOVER BEACH


.... Radix

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