Sagan, Carl.

Saint Augustine

Saint Francis of Assisi

Saletan, William. Jan. 9, 1996 WSJ.

Schwartzkopf, Norman


Seattle, Chief

Seinfield, Jerry

Shakespeare, William S. "The Merchant Of Venice"

... "Julius Caesar"

Shallit's Razor:

Shaw, George Bernard

Singer, Peter. Animal Liberation.

All the arguments to prove man's superiority can not shatter this hard fact: In suffering, the animals are our equals.

Sopinka, John. Canadian Supreme Court Justice

Political correctness is a threat to free speech because special interest groups are not content just to put forth their views, but demand that the opposing view be silenced.

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Stephenson, Neal. Cryptonomicon

Stevenson, Robert Louis.

Swift, Jonathan.

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