About Me.
Well hello, and welcome to another little corner of my home. I hope you're enjoying your little wonder round; slowly but surely I am beginning to master the art of HTML tagging, and one day this page might actually be finished. I hope you enjoy my page, and I'd ask if you would be so kind as to sign my guestbook before you leave.
As the title of this section says, it's all about me. It's my chance to introduce myself to you all, and for you to get to know me a little better. I've tried to include all the information that people want to know, but if I have forgotten anything then please let me know and I'll try to add it in.
I left college last year after spending 3 years at our local college of Further Education (I joined in the September of 1994); the first year I spent on a course which was very boring but, the second and third years were much better. I started the 'BTEC National Diploma in Science - Health Studies in September 1995, and finally completed it in June 1997. The 2 years on the BTEC course were the best ever, we had so much fun at college and the tutors were great. I did start a degree in Paramedical Sciences with Paramedic Award at the University of Hertfordsire, however due to circumstances beyond my control I'm now back home. I'm now working on the orthopaedic ward at the General Hospital as an Auxiliary Nurse.
I'm 21 years old, (as of the 18th of April 1999), I'm 5'2" (yes I'm a shortie), I have blue eyes (wear glasses), and have medium length red hair. Well you can see that now, yeah I've finally got a picture of me on my homepage.
I live on a small island called Jersey. Jersey is the largest of a group of islands called, The Channel Islands. Jersey is situated about 15 miles off the North West coast of France. For those of you who have not heard of Jersey before, the Island itself is 45 square-miles, and has a population of about 85,150. It can get very over crowded during the summer months, as tourism plays a big part in the islands income. Saying that I do love this place, it can be very beautiful during the spring and summer months; mind you saying that it can also be very pretty during the Autumn. Well that's enough of the geography lessons, and I don't think I sell the Island very well but never mind.
Well I can't really think of anything else right now to say, so I'm going to finish here for now! I hope you've enjoyed your visit around my little home, I will be improving the page as I learn more about homepages. If you have any ideas on what else I can add to the page then please feel free to e-mail me. Just do me one favour please; sign the Guestbook, and hell if you've already sighed it, well SIGN it again. ~G~