Only Phantom of the Opera related pages are eligable for the Phantom Ring. Please note that to keep high standards for the sites in the ring only Original and Unique Pages will be added. If your page is a replica of someone elses your request will be ignored. Pages must also follow these guidelines:
1. Pages can have no more than 5 Advertisements
on their page (ie. "Link Exchange").
2. Pages must be finished (Cannot still be "under Construction).
3. "Phantom Ring" code must be displayed on the MAIN page
of your site.
4. No Pure "Link" pages.
5. Must be UNIQUE!
6. Must be ORIGINAL!
7. Pages Can't Have Pictures / Applications / Info. "Stolen"
from another homepage (without that WebMasters permission of course..)
8. Have to be really, really, really cool. (Or groovy, rad, nifty,
or whatever word you like to use..)