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I will be adding books, as I find more of interest.

You can search the Amazon.com database for any book your heart desires, or place an order for the books recommended below.

My recommendations:

Protein Power

If losing weight is a struggle for you, I have to tell you about this book. I lost 40 pounds in 1998. It has not come back.

Not only that, the arthritis that I had fought for 15 years is completely gone. Apparently, grains were causing it.
I feel better than I have in years!

It is very easy reading and includes a summary at the end of each chapter,just in case you are really in a hurry.

Updated note April 2005.

I continued to use this way of eating until I lost a total of 70 pounds. I have not "dieted" for 7 years now and I have not regained any weight. I think going from 230 pounds to 160 is a wonderful gift to myself. In case you wonder, I'm 5' 8" tall.

Order it below by clicking on the title.

Protein Power

by Dr. Michael Eades and Dr. Mary Dan Eades

Eat, Drink and Be Merry

America's Doctor Tells You Why the Health Experts are Wrong.

Tired of following every new nutrition headline only to find it impossible or worse, dead wrong? Listen to the voice of reason. Dr. Dean Edell, heard nationwide on talk radio makes so much sense you will want him for your personal physician. I know I do.

Order it here by clicking the title or graphic.

Eat, Drink and Be Merry

by Dr. Dean Edell
Visit Dr. Edell's website at

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