Drown Me - My masterpiece in poetry. In Bay View's Cabaret this year, I sang a solo opposite the stunningly-beautiful (but taken) Jean-Nicole Almon. It was a love song ("Ten Minutes Ago" from R&H's Cinderella), and I was supposed to be singing it looking into her eyes and acting enchanted. I felt nervous and frightened, not enchanted. Jean-Nicole helped me through it, though, and I wrote this poem as a way of thanking her. I also wrote it on the wall backstage.
Heart-To-Heart - Written for my friend Leanne Riley. We have been friends since I was four. I promised her that I would write her a poem before I graduate...and I kept my promise with five days to spare.
Physics Class - A rather odd tome I banged out in a fit of boredom in about 10 minutes of English class one day. As poems go, it is absolutely terrible...but it IS slightly humorous if you know my Physics teacher and how poorly he teaches (when he's teaching at all.)