Kiss From A Rose-Seal |
Updated: December 3, 2000. Personal note: NO ONE,no man, woman, or child should ever have to go through life in an abusive relationship. Just as there are several types of abuse, so too are there several levels of abuse. One might not think that telling another what they can or can not do would be abuse. BUT, attempting to control another's life or behavior through berating, domination or imtimidation is abuse. Adults are more likely to change their situation, children can not without the help of an adult. For me, it took the lives of my children and I being threatened by my husband and the father of my children with a gun to finally see exactly how bad of a situation I was in. I walked away from him with my children. And so things changed. In light and love, Blessed Be Lady Phoenix Raven's Heart of RavensKeep There is a special group of people I'd like to mention and acknowledge their impact and influence on my life. Included are many family members (living and deceased), friends, and "famous" people who have touched my life in one way or another. Whether it is my mother, my best friends, or my favorite author, I admire each person for themselves (first and foremost) and for the inspiration they've given to me, quite a few without even knowing. Unless otherwise acknowledged and linked to, web site, html coding, and all graphics © Copyright 1997-2002, AngelCat Creations~~ Qwill, Ink, & Paper, All Rights Reserved |