Maintained by : Anil
Welcome to the web site devoted to airborne particulate matter (PM)
The site has links to the sources of information on particulate
pollution and more generally air pollution. A directory of environmental
sites on web is also included.
General Information on Particulates
Burning Issues/Clean
Air Revival -
devoted to improving the ambient air quality by reducing
the particulate pollution which kills 60,000 individuals in the US annually.
Health Effects of Particulates
summary and data from a May 1996 NRDC report about premature
mortality due to particulate air pollution in 239 American cities.
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring- Programmes and Results
AIRS PM10 Data Sets
EPA AIRS PM10 Data Sets. This archive contains illustrative
PM10 data files extracted from the EPA-AIRS data archive using the
AIRS/Voyager Data Delivery System.
South Coast Air Quality Management District - 1994 Monitoring
Monitoring Equipment
BIRAL Instruments for
environmental monitoring, filter testing etc.
Monitor for asbestos and other particulates monitoring.
Organisations and Associations
Conferences and Events
Other pages on air pollution and environment
Air Pollution Tutorial
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