Workshop Tour

Go straight for the chess box or trebuchet, or have a look at my shop first.

Silvan's Playground is a shed that the previous owners threw up to house their lawn mower and some painting equipment. When we bought the house, I laid claim to it immediately, and now that we have put up a proper storage shed, it's mine, all mine. It's 120 whopping square feet of paradise.

Here I am in my shop:

The floor plan is simple. Workbench to the left:

Stationary tools to the right:

My beautiful drill press, a really useless grinder, some drill press jigs and a bunch of miscellaneous junk in the far left corner:

A tool cabinet, carried forward from the back porch of our old rental house, in the back, along with a lot more miscellaneous junk:

Now, if you care to continue, I'll show you the chess box I've been blathering about...

Or if you're the sort who likes to hurl projectiles, you might want to have a look at my trebuchet.
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Copyright © 2003 by D. Michael McIntyre.
This page last updated 10-13-2003.