Thank You
For Filling My Life
With & Understanding

Friendship...What is it? It is defined differently for everyone. Some are good at expressing their thoughts and feeling in words, songs or poems. I am not one of the "some". It usually takes me hours and hours (if not days and months) just to express a simple word describing my feeling. It makes me feel good to say "thank you", "I am sorry", "I miss you", and so on ....., but they never seem to be enough. I am not always on my best behavior, but my friends never left me behind. They have always been there and helped me through my difficult times. Sharing laughters and being happy together are not hard. Knowing each other faults, supporting and helping each other to be better, and accepting each other for the good and the bad aren't always easy to do.... I guess what I am trying to say is that I've been very blessed.

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