
Hello and welcome ... it appears that I inadvertently overwrote my ultra-cool "index" file, so the neat-o welcome page that used to be here has now gone on to another plane. So, until I can rewrite it, this will have to do.

Please note: The only thing on this website that has been touched
since March 2001 is the Current Events section.
My very deepest apologies.

You're standing in the foyer of charming house at number 6093 on the Paris Rue. There is a dainty glass door, a large wooden door, and a trapdoor in the floor here. Which one will you take?

The Glass Door - Heather's Room
personal info, current events, links and pictures

The Wooden Door - The Library
poetry and prose

The Trapdoor - The Labyrinth Below
Phantom abounds here

Hate George W. Bush?

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