Eeyore is always known to be gloomy. He is also intelligent and quiet. He keeps to himself most of the time and he is always depressed.
Eeyore personifies the pessimist in all of us, and demonstrates that every silver lining must have a dark cloud.
Despite all his gloominess, he always manages to find a way to show how caring he really is.
Eeyore shows us that pessimism isn't necessarily bad, it's just one of the basic traits we all have that make us individuals.
I like Eeyore, because I feel that him and I have a lot in common. I am almost always depressed. And I feel that a black cloud is always hanging over my head. Yes I do have a few close friends, that I love more then anything...but nothing in this world has brough me true happiness.
Eeyore's Page | 1st Picture of Eeyore |
2nd Picture of Eeyore | 3rd Picture of Eeyore |
4th Picture of Eeyore | 5th Picture of Eeyore |
6th Picture of Eeyore | 7th Picture of Eeyore |
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